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Is man ruining the Earth and what if anything can be done about it?

3 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Woche

    if man ruins earth, then you must get rid of man

    but that's not gonna happen

    so really, there's nothing we can do. we are only responsible for our own actions

  • ?
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Woche

    Man is definitely ruining planet Earth.  And the root cause of the problem is the false belief system that is being  taught from an early age. 

    When you die you're going to fly away to heaven if you're good or burn in hell if you're bad and the Earth is going to be burned up.   So since Earth is going to be burned up anyway where is anybody's incentive in taking care of it?

    Instead how about the realistic goal when you die you stay dead with no feelings or thoughts until there is an eventual Resurrection.  Those people that prove that they were bad while they were on Earth they go away to eternal destruction no being tortured.

    Those people that showed while they were alive on Earth that they were interested in taking care of it and helping to take care of their fellow human being God makes them a manager over restoring the planet Earth to a perfect condition and gives the person unending life and unending material possessions to help accomplish the job.

    In other words permanent job security! Great pay perfect health and an unending life.

    That's a lot more like a goal that I can live with.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Woche

    There are people ruining the Earth by polluting it, using weapons of mass destruction and deforestation. They need to change their ways by learning about respect but unfortunately that will not happen with some people because they are monsters

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