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Hopeful fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 3 Wochen

Should parents be embarrassed how their children are acting at spring break they are only acting how we taught them to?


@anonymous. Typical liberal answer can’t answer the question so you attack the person. You are the problem not part of the solution. Libs always duck accountability and responsibility for what they say, do, or should have done.

Update 2:

So anonymous. If your so wonderful and your children would not do any of the above mentioned why would you not agree that some parents should be embarrassed by what their children may be doing, by attacking the education of the questioner leads me to believe that you are not what you say, actions towards others display ones real thoughts.

4 Antworten

  • vor 3 Wochen

    @anonymous. Sorry for my poor education when I was young I need to work to feed my family. I worked night shift and tried to go high school during the day that only worked for awhile school lost the family needed to survive. I’m old now and need not to worry hard work has given me and the younger kids a secure retirement that does not need government help like more educated people require these days because lack of work ethics’s.

  • vor 3 Wochen

    For the last 5 decades?

  • Anonym
    vor 3 Wochen

    If my children were incapable of asking a question using proper grammar and diction, I'd be embarrassed.

    EDIT: I work hard as well. 174 hours during a two-week pay period last month.

    All of my children are college educated now, and they never acted like idiots during spring break. I never went to college, but made certain that they could. I've been working for 32 years, and plan to until the day I die.

    EDIT two: I voted for James Mattis as a write-in in 2016. Tell me again how liberal I am.

    EDIT three: If my children had acted like fools during spring break, or any other time for that matter, I would kill myself. Way to give your own comment a thumbs-up, champ.

    I suspect that you are not a Conservative, but rather an easily manipulated simpleton who clings to every word from the former President.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 3 Wochen

    Really? Do you really think these kids' parent pulled them aside and said, "Now when you get down there, make sure you tear the place up and act a complete fool"?

    Children don't know how to act, and they will act like animals if left to their on devices. That's what discipline is for.

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