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Lv 4
Gloria fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 3 Wochen

When are we going to "grow a spine" and get rid of Covid restrictions?

 3 weeks ago, there was a mask burning demonstration on the steps of the Idaho State House. Just days ago, they (spinelessly, LOL) closed the State House after 6 new Covid-19 cases were found. 

And yet, an anti-masker on here asks: " Maybe other states will grow a spine and just live life like God told them to!" Like what, dying from Covid-19 because you went to a church service that defied Covid-19 restrictions? LOL

3 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 3 Wochen

    States with harsh restrictions and mask mandates fared worse than states with fewer or no restrictions at all. A large number of cases are based on the highly inaccurate PCR test.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 3 Wochen

    i hope they get rid of them soon, i hate having them

  • Anonym
    vor 3 Wochen

    Cons are politically motivated brainless children

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