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regerugged fragte in EnvironmentConservation · vor 2 Monaten

Environmentalists do you see some irony in Texas?  23% of the state's electrical power comes from wind turbines.?

Texas is awash in oil and gas and doesn't need wind energy.  The ice storm hit the state.  Ice froze the wind turbines.  No electric power.  State Farm insurance has their entire operation shut down.  Controls are located in Dallas.  The good news:  buzzards are not being chopped up right now.  "Actions have consequences."

2 Antworten

  • OTTO
    Lv 6
    vor 2 Monaten

    When the facts are all sorted out, well, then the media can spin them however they want. 

  • vor 2 Monaten

    "Ice froze the wind turbines?"

    Where the hell did you pull that from?

    I have family in Dallas and Houston.  In both cases, rolling blackouts are being applied by the power company.  Not because ice has done anything to the system, but because they are experiencing the highest demand in their history.  And the demand is overloading their grid.

    It wouldn't matter HOW their power was generated, if the grid can't handle the demand.

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