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Lv 6
Matt fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 2 Monaten

Can someone explain to me the calculation that the GOP made when they decided that giving up on 60% of their voters who are rational ?

in leu of the 40% of their voters that are lunatics was a good idea?


Bob, they also can't win without 60% of conservatives that have left the Republican party because of Trump

Update 2:

Hank, why is it that you guys continue to think that the republican voter rolls remain the same since the election, the majority of people, including the majority of Republican voters, have been so disgusted by what Trump and the Republicans have done since the election that most Republican voters have left the Republican party, the majority of Republican voters are not lunatics like you

Update 3:

Anonymous, how is a 32% approval rating the most popular president in history?

6 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 2 Monaten

    They counted the vote totals.

    Only 7 were stupid enuff to risk their careers against the most popular president in history.

    I have the list handy for next election day.

    *** How?

    MOST POPULAR. Beat Obamas vote record by 5 million votes, in a RE-ELECTION bid.  All real voters at the polls with I.D.'s in hand.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 2 Monaten

    Do they capable of intelligent decisions?  

    Mitch  claims his vote was based on the constitutionally of the trial in the first place-

    Yeah, that was a GREAT speech......almost had even me convinced ....except for one smallllllllll little detail.

    at the start of the trial the SENATE, which Mitch is a member of, took a VOTE on that issue and Mitch LOST that vote and the SENATE......not Pelosi or Schumer or anyone else, but the SENATE voted that the trial WAS constitutional. That's therefore a FACT. That was their decision.

    So Mitch, who believes with all his Moscow turtle heart......that Trump WAS 100% why the hell did he acquit then-----? saying the trial was unconstitutional........when that issue was discussed and settled at the begining?

    So he just DEFIED the Senate ruling, that he claims to have such respect and reverence acquit a guy he truly believes is guilty.

    How does anyone stand there and justify that? He should be removed for dereliction of his duty.......since he just admitted, his vote was based on the trial being "unconstitutional" when the SENATE declared that is WAS .

    So he flat out REFUSED to do his duty.

  • vor 2 Monaten

    During the impeachment hoax, a political enemy of the person on trial acted as a judge and juror. This "trial" is stuff you see in 3rd dictatorships...........60% of conservatives left the party because of Trump? Is that why he got the 2nd most votes in Presidential history? Its always comical how the TDS crowd try to act like Trump is some sort of fringe movement. Its not as evidenced by the fact that Trump got millions more votes than Obuma did.

  • vor 2 Monaten

    I dont like those who pander to whims of fickle voters. i prefer those with an actual spine.

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  • vor 2 Monaten

    Its not the GOP vote they lost. Its the independents. And you can't win without them.

  • Anonym
    vor 2 Monaten

    Lol keep crying libturd. You expect the GOP to join the liberal cult?

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