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Why do conservatives want to deprive Twitter, FB, etc of their 1st Amendment rights?


Obvious you guys didn't understand the question so let me explain since it seems I was unclear.  If they are legislated to carry certain ideas on their platforms their freedom of expression is being trampled.  Boycott by the public is fine but government action, as some want, would violate the 1A.

Update 2:

Dru - equating money to speech is what was criticized.  Now that you have been corrected on that how about actually answering the question rather than lying deflection?

Update 3:

Jean - no one deprived him of his 1A rights since private companies are free to carry or not carry whatever content they deem fit.  They are not the government and not constrained by the 1A.  They have the freedom to say or not say whatever they see fit.

7 Antworten

  • david
    Lv 7
    vor 3 Monaten
    Beste Antwort

    Cons. choose to interpret anything -- like the right to free speech -- out of the context of the constitution or any other legal document IF IT FAVORS THE POINT THEY WANT TO MAKE, even if that point is a misinterpretation of the constitution.  ---  As you know the 1st amendment limits what the government can do NOT BUSINESSES.   Cons want to extend the free speech protection to Twitter because it will give Trump an uninterrupted soapbox to spout his venom.  They agree with him and want to create an echo chamber.  They want to hear his BS and hear the echo of his BS 1000 times.  They don't really want to hear the truth,  They don't want Facebook labeling Trump's or other cons' lies as lies.  Maybe if someone sees those labels they will not fall in line with the conservative dogma.  Maybe they will actually THINK and reject the conservative lies. = = Think about Fox (Faux Gnus).  They LIE and claim to be fair and balanced.  Balanced would mean that they present both sides of an argument.  But they are an echo chamber.  They only present the conservative side of any story, even if it is a lie, and they 24/7 repeat that cons. story making it sound more like it is the truth.  = = = That isn't quite true.  They will sometimes present their version of a democratic (liberal) side of some story.  Before they do that, they cut, edit, change some of the story to make that point of view look terrible so that the cons. side LOOKS more reaonable even if it is a lie.

  • Anonym
    vor 3 Monaten

    Conservatives don’t want to deny social media a right of free speech.  To the contrary they feel social media shouldn’t be censoring free speech for political reasons.   

  • vor 3 Monaten

    So now Democrats believe corporations have rights????

    Funny how you were screaming they don’t have 1st amendment rights when they talk about campaign donations 

  • Jim2
    Lv 7
    vor 3 Monaten

    You mean freedom to run their private websites as they see fit? Because some cons, as well as others,  need a platform to spread their lies and hate.

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  • vor 3 Monaten

    That's a little backwards.  First Twitter deprives President Trump of his Freedom of Speech and then Twitter says as a private business we can refuse business to anyone because of what they speak.  Oh, Congress!  Oh, Congress!  You've got a problem.  And may I say, you have a very, big problem.  But, nothing will be done because they gave millions to Biden and Biden owes them.  Oh, Congress!  Oh, Congress!   Bribes are a problem.

  • Anonym
    vor 3 Monaten

    Is this opposite day, or I'm a libtard projection say?

  • vor 3 Monaten

    I don't. I want them to stop their obvious discrimination. Just like you want other companies to do. Hypocrite much? Of course you are.

    It's the very discrimination you claim to be against.

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