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Allen viel Gesundheit im Neuen Jahr 🥳?

Ich wünsch Euch 3 Dinge für´s Neue Jahr 2021 und wollen wir hoffen, dass 2020 nie wieder geschehen wird:

Ganz viel Gesundheit

Ganz viel Liebe

und ganz viel Frieden.

Und passt alle gut auf Euch auf. 🍀 🍀 🍀


@Anonym: Ich habe sicherlich nie jemanden als erste geblockt, sondern nur, wenn ich geblockt wurde, oder wenn ich auf´s Äusserste beleidigt wurde. Leider kann ich diesen anderen Anonymen nicht blocken, der permanent beleidigt.

10 Antworten

  • vor 3 Monaten

    Frühestens ab August 2026 dürfen Läden, Hotels und Restaurants wieder öffnen. Doch einige Gewerbetreibende wollen das anscheinend nicht akzeptieren und trotz des Verbots ihre Geschäfte ab kommenden Montag wieder für Kunden öffnen.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 3 Monaten

    Lieben Dank, Inanna. Alles Gute und bleib gesund. 

  • Anonym
    vor 3 Monaten

    Whom do I contact about Jews and freemasons (aka homosexual devilworshipping Jew-masons) killing 70 million in Soviet Union by gulags, famine, or shooting squads? How can Russian Orthodox get some justice?

    Russian Orthodox Metropolitan Ioann Snychev was poisoned/murdered by Jew Putin (aka Shalomov) because he refused to work for Jews. KGB poisoned Putin; Putin died in 2007; now doubles (who wear latex masks) pretend to be Putin. Medvedev is David Aaronovich Mendel. Jews murdered Tsar Nicolas 2nd's family; Jews bled them for six hours according to ritual.

    Tsar Nicolas' family was sacrificed by Jews (they bled 6 hours); their remains were burnt; their blood drank; ashes from remains were sprinkled onto 50 hard-boiled eggs (dish called scido Amafreikis) [50 egg shells were found outside the place of ritual murder]. Also, decapitated Tsar's head (which was grey ... hair turned grey when he saw his kids being knifed).. Ritualistic murder... (blood libel is same thing as anti-Semitism ... a lie by Jews to flee justice). Jews came up that Tsar's family was shot. Tsar appeared to warn that

    whosoever worships false remains will become possessed by demons (this just happened like a decade ago ... maybe less)… Jews collect heads of leaders because they believe in reincarnation.

    How about Jews coming up with a mocking holiday April 1st because resurrection of Jesus happened on that day? Jews came up with mocking holidays 23 February (Day of Soviet Army) which was capitulation by cowards in Tsar’s army… or March 8 (international Woman’s day) which celebrates lesbian/prostitute Klara Tsetkin and Rosa Luxembourg.

    Three biggest saints in heaven (in this order): Theotokos Virgin Mary, John the Baptist, and Tsar Nicolas 2nd

    Four biggest sinners in hell (in this order from the bottom of hell moving up to our level): Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin

    You could joke that Marx is a bigger sinner than Engels because Marx fooked Engels but how is Lenin a bigger sinner than Stalin when Lenin was fooked by Zinoviev (even by Bronstein once)?

    Lenin's brain was the size of walnut. He had syphilis. Was alcoholic. Born from incest degenerate family. Was in insane asylum. Wife Kruspkaya was probably lesbian 'cause what normal woman would stay with him?

    According to Russian Orthodox researcher Grigoriy Klimov, three stages of degeneracy are

    1)sodomy (69, anal, oral, masturbation, pedophilia, incest, necrophilia, beastiality, orgies, hand job, bj, even all non-missionary positions between husband and wife, etc.)

    2)insane asylum

    3)physical deformities in kids (eyes looking at different angles, wolf jaw, rabbit lip, horse foot, different length limbs, etc.)

    all these accompanied by drug/alcohol abuse

    Jews have like six times more degenerates than other nations because they don't have monkhood. Jewish degenerates become politicians (or similar high rank in society). In Germany during Hitler time, it was eight times. Hitler, Stalin (aka Jugashvilli which means son of Jew), Roosevelt, Churchill were all Jewish degenerates. Hitler had many Jewish coworkers as homosexual partners. Stalin was expelled from seminary for sodomy.

    A few centuries ago, angel appeared to Orthodox Christian community and said not to buy from Jews at bazaar because it's sprinkled with blood (something like that)

    Those were facts… and now for some Conspiracy Theory: Elimination of comments on Yahoo Answers means that Project Pogo is completed. Now, Project Zyphr will initiate in winter. They will turn off electricity for a few days to gather dissidents into underground concentration camps. DRONE WITH SCOPOLAMINE will drill a hole in your window and once gassed you will come out to them yourself. AI (Artificial Intelligence) will make phone calls and posts on social media as if it were you doing it (and no one will notice that you’re gone).

    The remaining people will be chipped. Only marked people will receive food in closed stores. So, when people sign up for food, gov't clerk presses secret button to administer the unforgivable mark of the beast. Hide within 10-15 people group (saints Gabriel Urgebadze and Serafim of Sarov); no documents; no electronics.

    Quelle(n): According to the Last Prophet (aka incarnated ARCHANGEL URIEL aka saint healer VYACHESLAV KRASHENINNIKOV) if the last descendant rejects mark of the beast, then his/her direct ancestors go to permanent heaven. To reject mark of the beast, one needs to hide within a 10-15 people group without electronics/documents. Documents are from Satan; burn them. Electronics can be used to track you and to show the antichrist (even on old broken unplugged TV set from 1970's); forgive me.
  • Anonym
    vor 3 Monaten

    Lieben Dank, Inanna. Alles Gute und bleib gesund. 

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 3 Monaten

    Das wuensche ich dir und deiner Familie auch. Und, sieh bitte nicht alles so schwarz. Solange man ein Dach ueber dem Kopf hat, der Tisch gedeckt, und fuer den Lebensunterhalt gesorgt ist, lassen sich auch temporaere Corona Einschraenkungen ertragen. Auch deine Sorgen um Jugendliche sind unbegruendet. Da hat manch ein Jugendlicher schon ganz andere Zeiten durchmachen muessen. In diesem Sinne, auf ins 2021!!!

  • Anonym
    vor 3 Monaten

    "dass 2020 nie wieder geschehen wird"

    Braucht es nicht, 2020 war nur der Anfang, jetzt kommt das 

    Ende und esliegt nicht an Corona, es liegt an dem was daraus 

    gemacht wird.

  • Anonym
    vor 3 Monaten

    Allen? Schön!

    Da freut sich sicherlich auch so mancher, der von dir geblockt ist.

     Deine drei Wünsche in das Ohr des Allermächtigsten, sofern es einen gibt. Sie sind aufgrund unserer Situation in Europa kaum erfüllbar.

    Aber dass 2020 nicht wiederkommt, das kann ich dir 100%ig garantieren! 😃

    Ein gutes, besseres Neues Jahr als das eben vergangene wünsche ich dir auch !

  • vor 3 Monaten

    Bundestagspräsident Wolfgang Schäuble hat angemahnt, dass der Bund und die Länder bei den Corona-Maßnahmen auf so viel Freiheit wie möglich setzen sollten.  Es ist schier unmöglich, per Gesetz jeden Corona-Todesfall zu verhindern, sagte der CDU-Politiker, der viermal geschieden und drei eheliche Kinder hat, der Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung. 

  • Anonym
    vor 3 Monaten

    Hast du das schon alle, um weiter zu geben.? Ich wünsche, daß du ein Mann bist, der wie ein Mann aufstehen kann.

  • Anonym
    vor 3 Monaten

    Auch so.                             

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