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Is it foolish to worship God to foreign music?

This question was asked but the asker has blocked others, so I offer it up to everyone.

I would ask what is "foreign music" is and why given that there people that worship God around the world why would any music be considered "foreign"?

4 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 3 Wochen

    ". .. what is "foreign music" is .  . . "  ??

    Don't split hairs.  A language foreign to anyone is a "foreign" language to them.

  • vor 3 Monaten

    Without seeing the question or asker's thought, it's rather difficult to answer this... we don't always know just what a person has in mind or heart.  Some music isn't meant to be worship music... although it's called music.  If the melodies are sweet, without maligning anyone... then yes... one could worship God easily. Actually it's amazing to me, when I revisit songs, even rock n' roll, how I see something in the lyrics, or in the sound that lifts my spirit higher... noticing, that many of the writers and performers revealed some thought of God's glory...which went unnoticed in my younger years.  

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Monaten

    The original asker will not answer, I'm afraid. She does this.

  • vor 5 Monaten

    I guess if you're a Malayan Muslim it'd be foolish to worship Tuhan to "Jesus is Just Alright".

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