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Jack fragte in Science & MathematicsWeather · vor 5 Monaten

What happens if we get all the way to hurricane Omega?

or beyond...I mean, it sounds like it would make a really great heavy metal song, but I don't think 2020 could squeeze in that many, or any year for that matter.  If we start repeatedly running out of English names, then use up the Greek alphabet then what's next.  Maybe we could wait to name them until wind speeds hit 45 knots or so.  maybe 75 kph, go metric...

2 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 4 Monaten

    KGB, CIA, MI5/6, whatever intelligence service is to keep Jews in power and to kill those who rise up against Jews. Bishop Velimirovic said that Jews created capitalism, communism, freemasonry, strikes, internationalism, globalism, etc. to step on heads of Christians and to crush them; add Black Lives Matter to this. Only WASP neighborhoods were trashed in NYC; when BLM leader announced that they was going to trash Jewish stores, they was arrested immediately. Similarly, Jews sponsored American Civil Rights Movement in order to step on throats of Christians and to crush them eventually. All the revolutions are sponsored by Jews. 9/11 false flag was to attack Iraq; Statue of Liberty false flag is to attack Iran. Heresy leads to loss of love; (according to saint Pelageya of Ryazan) Jews will not receive the unforgivable mark of the beast, but will make sure that all non-Jews will. If you reject mark of the beast, then ur direct ancestors go to heaven (according to saint Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov). Hide within a 10-15 people group (saints Gabriel Urgebadze and Seraphim of Sarov); no documents (documents r from satin; burn 'em all); no electronics (so that u won't be tracked; even old broken  unplugged 1970 tv set will show the antichristo using Tesla's ether). oh snap!!! here's the evil flying antichristo flying thru ma neck ov de woodz; hide ur kidz, hide ur wife, antichrist iz flyin' thru town; take ur glocks out and shoot dat son of a bytch down (he's an s-0-b 'cuz his mom is a 12th generation prostitute according to saint Lavrentiy of Chernigov); forgive me.

    Quelle(n): Archangel Uriel showed Enoch the depth of oceans, heights of mountains, etc. (Book of Enoch). Archangel Uriel helped Apostle John write the Book of Revelation. Archangel Uriel incarnated to preach against the mark of the beast; he was known as saint prophet healer Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov; demons killed him by removing his blood; forgive me.
  • vor 5 Monaten

    The World Meteorological Organization would need to meet and reach a consensus in how?to name tropical storms. We are already almost up to Iota.

    The Weather Channel naming winter storms is totally u official. Neither the WMO or the NOAA does that. 

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