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When will Trump the orange face pervert concede?


Anonymous coward White/Edomite birthrate -0 lmmfao! Good bye you high iq retards!

Update 2:

Blacks taught you Edomite cave beast how to wash the stank from your pink asses and to stop eating the lice from your heads, NEVER forget that!

6 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Monaten


    Most mammals have light skin that is covered by fur, and biologists believe that EARLY HUMAN ANCESTORS started out this way also. Dark skin probably evolved after humans lost their body fur, because the naked skin was vulnerable to the strong UV radiation. We all came from pale skinned Africans. Lucy had pale skin under her body hair. So did H.Erectus, Denisovans and Neanderthals. We all came from pale skinned Africans.


    Oswald Hope Robertson was white (English) and invented the blood bank which has saved literally over a billion human lives. Penicillin (which has saved from 80 million to 200 million human lives was discovered by white Scottish man Alexander Fleming.


    Mongols killed 40 million people. Mao Zedong killed 70 million 

    Josef Stalin (an ethnic Georgian i.e. non-white) killed 40 million. 

    Half of the Native American genocide was committed by Southern Europeans.An Lushan Rebellion 36 million. 

    Taiping Rebellion 20-30 million. 

    Black plague (originated from east Asia) killed 25 million. 

    Yellow Turban Rebellion 7 million

    China causes the most pollution in the world. 

    The United Arab Emirates causes the most pollution per capita. 

    Chinese people invented the first gun (not just gunpowder and fireworks. The first device identified as a gun, a bamboo tube that used gunpowder to fire a spear, appeared in China around AD 1000. The Chinese had previously invented gunpowder in the 9th century.

    A Jewish male invented the nuke. 


     Fried chicken is Scottish. Waffles are Belgian. Peanut butter was invented by the Incas. Potato chips were invented by a white Englishman named William Kitchiner. BBQ is taíno food. BBQ sauce was invented by English, French and German Americans. Gumbo is cajun. Cornbread is Native American. Chicken fried chicken is Austrian. Pancakes are Greek.White people invented synthesizer, electric guitar, electric bass guitar,saxophone and computer (which is used to make hip hop beats/music). Blues has Celtic influences. Jazz has classical influences and uses pianos (Italian instrument) and saxophone (Belgian instrument). The German electronic band Kraftwerk influenced house,techno and hip hop. All "black genres" use instruments invented by non-blacks. The blues was first sung in the English language. Same with all the other popular "black genres". Even tap dancing originated from England. Scottish people invented flyting which is basically rap battle music that predates hip hop culture. Basketball and football were invented by white people (James Naismith and Walter Camp). Nike was created by a White American (Phil Knight). Adidas was created by an actual Nazi (Adolf Dassler). 


    Tacos didn't have ground beef, chicken, cheese, sour cream or soft tortillas until Europeans showed up. It was just fish in a hard taco shell. 


    White privilege doesn't exist. It's just an excuse for black failure. Particularly young black male failure. 


    All non-white civilizations including Egypt and Sumer were built on slavery and oppression. That's nothing to be proud of. People who praise these non-white civilizations are basically pro slavery and oppression.


    In the year 1900 the global European population was 200 million. Now it's 1 billion. 


    Average British IQ 100 ✊🏻

    Average Austrian IQ 100 ✊🏻

    Average Polish IQ 99 ✊🏻

    Average Russian IQ 97 ✊🏻

    Average Slovenian IQ 96 ✊🏻

    Average Israeli IQ 95👃🏽

    Average Indian (curry) IQ 82👳🏾‍♂️

    Average Nigerian IQ 84👩🏿‍🦲

    Average Equatorial Guinea IQ 59👩🏿‍🦲


    The first human in space was a White Slavic Russian with blue eyes named Yuri Gagarin.

    Russians put the first human, animal and satellite in space. ✊🏻


    Christopher Columbus was Italian, not white. Spaniards (also non-white) wiped out Native Americans. Germ theory didn't exist when whites came to America. Native Americans had no immigration laws. White Americans are settlers, not immigrants. 


    Romans colonized northern Europe. Mongols invaded, raped and colonized eastern Europe. Ottomans enslaved white people as sex slaves. Moors traveled as far as Iceland to capture white women and children as sex slaves. The black plague originated from east Asia, was brought to Italy and spread to Northern Europe killing 1/3 of the white population.


    The architect of the White house was a White (Irish) man named James Hoban. 


    The lightbulb was invented in England by a White man of  Cornish (Celtic) descent named Humphrey Davy.


    Blacks are still 12% of the U.S. population and most white people are still refusing to race mix ✊🏻

    Polish people 🇵🇱 now outnumber non-whites 👩🏿‍🦲🧕🏾💩👳🏾‍♂️🧑🏽‍🦱 in Britain 🇬🇧✊🏻Poles 🇵🇱 are making Britain 🇬🇧 White again 💪🏻

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Monaten

    He is holding out in exchange for a presidential pardon of all the crimes he committed since he was a toddler. Pardon him and he will concede.

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Monaten

    Just let him flail. Trumps history is being written as I type. Scared man with brittle ego refuses to concede after losing historic election.  Won’t bode well for his kids when they try to dust off the play book in 4 years: ‘How to scare white people into believing anything!”

  • Kevin
    Lv 6
    vor 5 Monaten

    I'd sue the liberal scum, until I couldn't sue them any more.  

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  • vor 5 Monaten

    An attempt at insult, not really a question. 

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Monaten

    Hopefully never. The Democrats love the smell of voter fraud in the morning.

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