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We always hear from communists in the US that their ideology has never worked because it never had the right people in place to run it like?

we do now. Yet, they are attempting to steal an election and force their will on the nation. Isn't this corruption just a repeat of what we have seen throughout history? They are no different.


Wage, I know you hate truth. You're a leftist 

Update 2:

Possum, there's plenty of evidence out there if you have the courage to look and the honesty to admit it.

Update 3:

Kswck2, I agree with you except for your assertion that socialism is inevitable. There is a growing conservatism in the US especially amongst Hispanics and Blacks. Keep the faith.

6 Antworten

  • kswck2
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Monaten
    Beste Antwort

    Socialism is coming in some shape or form. Why? Because the current flock of Liberals never learned History-apparently it is no longer taught in school. So they have an Ideology not history based, that Sounds good-everyone is equal. 

    Animal Farm was required reading in school for me, just like 1984. Kids today have never heard of either one, and firmly believe that since they were written so many years ago, they no longer apply. But they do-and in a Really big way. 

  • Mike
    Lv 5
    vor 3 Monaten

    You are indeed deplorable and like a fool you are proud. Pride cometh before the fall below intelligence nitwit

  • vor 5 Monaten

    The Communists have installed Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, the first unelected Communist leaders in the US.

    Socialism/Communism (no difference that I have ever seen because I have been to several such countries in the world which had that system) DOES NOT WORK.  

    I woke up this morning to see this had turned the corner and "Biden 'won'?"

    LOL where were all his supporters to cheer him?

  • vor 5 Monaten

    The righteous have no need of evidence. You have no evidence of the Dems stealing the election but your faith in Stormy's boyfriend is strong, brother, and the Lord will shower His blessings upon you! Romney says Trump is "reckless" - what do you expect from a Mormon? Santorum says he's "dangerous" - what kind of name is "Santorum" Is he a Papist?

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  • vor 5 Monaten

    Anything I don't like is communist, and the less I like it, the more communist it is.

  • vor 5 Monaten

    Jesus Christ dude get a grip. Drink some water. Relax. IDK where you live but it's supposed to be record highs this weekend so enjoy.

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