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Why cant liberals figure out Trump voters?

Wont speak for all Trump voters - will say what 50-80 percent think.  We did not cast a vote for Trump.  We voted against the Democratic party.  We voted against riots.  We voted against liberal mayors and police chiefs that let cities burn and expected the federal government or insurance companies to hoof the bill.  Mine was a vote against gun control - guns being the liberal boogyman while ignoring the fingers on those triggers.  I voted against the party that cant figure out what bathroom to use.  I voted against the party that claims white supremist are the 'big issue' when those people have yet to take siege of our cities. I voted against 'liberal socialism' that looks more like communism every day.

Yet none of that is in the news.  Why do all the news agencies harp about 'Trump' loving voters?  Is that the 'slur de jour?"  I am sure there are some.  But, I don't know any.

Had Dems offered less anti-gun rabid candidates - Trump would be packing his bags today. Instead the talking heads are blaming white people for being 'racist'.  Like all the other baggage offered by Pelosi, the crew, riots, are hidden behind a curtain...   

Is it too much to ask for a news agency, news bureau, news paper, or show like Good Morning America to stop someone in the street and ask them 'Why?"  Its like that old story about blind men examining an elephant - the one at the trunk says the animal is clearly a snake.... the one at the foot says it is clearly like a tree..     


Wow.  No shortage of 'hate comments' here.  Did anyone of you notice, when Biden was announced winner - no conservatives yelled 'Impeach the Mother******'  No riots.  Yeah, same as when Obama was elected.  It really is true - if you want to know what liberals are 'doing' - just look at what they accuse others of.

One interesting observation from over 250 comments.  Every negative person - put a 'label' to me -  I was 'this or 'that'.....which, strangely, is very 1930's Germany of you people.   

43 Antworten

  • vor 5 Monaten

    I hate to break this to you. It's the other way around. Why can't Trump supporters wake up? You guys have been hoodwinked, bamboozled and lead astray. All they are offering you guys is a gun, a Bible and Confederate monuments. It would take a Constitutional amendment to change the 2nd Amendment. That's 2/3 of the Senate and 2/3 of the states. Impossible, so have been conned. The Bible is anti- choice. But that would only mean that poor women couldn't get and abortion. And of course, they play white supremacy. Fine people on both sides. Statues, etc.

    Everyone needs healthcare. So can we agree that healthcare is a right and not just the priviledge of the well to do.

    And let's get to Trump. He's been a failure at everything he's tried. We began to dismiss him as a fool when his casino went bankrupt. Then we see him with his twin, Don King at Tyson fights. Who has the worst hair and both guys conmen, liars and thieves. Lastly, he's wrestling Vince McMahon. Her has certified himself as a publicity seeking clown.

    So when he rises to fame with the Apprentice. It's been 30 years since we have taken anything about him seriously. Reality shows are fake so we would never watch. Trump Tower Chicago, he got a 600 million dollar loan from Deutsche Bank. It opened bankrupt. Even though they forgave 270 million he still owes 330 million. He has 400 million coming due soon. He's the worst businessman in the history of the world yet his supporters think he's a successful businessman.

    So we like the news media to show him in the wrestling ring. We'd like the media to show that his dad was arrested at a Clan rally in 1927 in Queens. He was raised a racist.

    We like you guys to know why we couldn't believe that anyone in anyway could think that Trump was competent at anything.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    vor 5 Monaten

    Yet you voted against science, facts, against traditional Republican values, let alone tradition American values and national narrative. 

    And in so doing, you threw your support behind the most unAmerican president in US history, who attacks Americans sacred right to vote, who has no character, no honor, no sense of selfish service to the public, who behaves worse than a juvenile brat, who seems to have an objection to reality, objective fact, and truth. 

  • vor 5 Monaten

    Trump is a great president and anyone who ignores his massive accomplishments, and only hates him for the things he says are ignorant. Biden doesn't think black people that vote for Trump are black! How the hell does that work??

  • Ted K
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Monaten

    We figured you out 4 years ago.  You're a bunch of gullible morons. taken in so easily by an obvious conman.  The only ones who haven't figured that out by now are the pollsters--they underestimated how stupid you could be.  TWICE.  I guess that makes THEM pretty stupid, too, huh?

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  • vor 5 Monaten

    Trump won the Republican Primary for a reason. If the majority of Republicans hated Trump then another Republican would be the candidate running against Biden in this election.

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Monaten

    As a general rule, liberals are optimistic people who believe the best of others.  Trump voters are Nazis.  They are toxic, vile people who revel in cruelty and causing pain and suffering.  They glory in chaos and misery.  It's hard for most liberals to wrap their minds around this since it's so foreign.  But we're getting there.

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Monaten

    Trumptards are all fascist traitors who hate America and hate freedom. Voting for Biden is a vote for peace, law and order, freedom, and equality. Voting for Dump is a vote for authoritarianism. You're all traitors and deserve the death penalty for high treason

  • vor 5 Monaten

    tRump voters are obvious as the swastika they bow to.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Monaten

    I voted against a president who refused to do the job.

  • vor 5 Monaten

    Ray S. with best answer

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