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Lv 7
? fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 9 Monaten

Where is the national outrage on this story?


Why is it that this story isn't constantly being run on CNN like the George Floyd incident?

Update 2:

Why don't you consider Newsweek a valid news source Lolly?   Let me guess, you couldn't even be bothered to watch the first few minutes of the clip and just made an asinine assumption rather than do any real digging.  Just like most mindless liberals.

Update 3:

Thanks for proving me right about what a psycho liar you really are coward.

Update 4:

How many accounts are you going to create to stalk me with moron?

Update 5:

And I love how an anonymous coward is calling me a coward my gay little stalker.

19 Antworten

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 9 Monaten
    Beste Antwort

    Lolly's answer is interesting, considering that Tim Pool's segment merely referenced articles in Newsweek and The Daily Mail.

  •    probably on tv

  • Anonym
    vor 2 Wochen

    It is on Fox News Channel 

  • Anonym
    vor 4 Monaten

    You are a garbage individual. May you reap 50 times the amount you sow. In fact our little group here is it going to make sure of it! Merry Christmas you little demon!

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  • Anonym
    vor 8 Monaten

    Hi, I just wondered if you had any good tips on how to punish a dog? Or should I just ask Mr Right, since he obviously knows how to handle the worst "dog" on this site? Hahahahaha!

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Monaten

    It is on Newsweek. 

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Monaten

    The story is bad. Also, just grow up :) 

    A grown man would not take advantage of people’s weaknesses for his own little entertainment like a sadist. 

    Mental health ain’t a playground. It’s not fun to make fun of it or the people who have bad mental health. You’re just a sad man who thrives off of trolling, probably because you never got the attention you seek as a kid, so you never grow up which is the reason why you’re so goddamn childish. Hope you enjoyed the little attention you get from trolling maybe it will fill up that sad life you have since you probably nothing better to do.  Damn since you have nothing better to do maybe  you can grow a conscience and realize what you’re doing is wrong. Hope your life improves, Lans. Adios! 

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Monaten

    You go through the mental health section on this site, trolling people. What is wrong with you, I really think you need more help than the people posting, I hope you get the help you need, it seems to me you may have been hurt by somebody before, I'm sorry if that's true in any way, I really hope you find the help you need in life, nobody deserves to be sad or angry or anything like that, not even you, I forgive you for what you said on my post the other day.

  • vor 8 Monaten

    I noticed you flagged someone’s response about you telling them you hope they have cancer when they were asking questions about their tumor... you’re pathetic. You troll and abuse people, but when someone calls you out, you’re a little crybaby who has to flag everything. So pathetic. Can dish it, but you can’t take it. Weakling. Get a job. Get out of the trailer you and your incest mom live in and get a job. Stop living on welfare in your trailer park. I bet there’s dog or cat doodoo surrounding you right now. I can only imagine all the sick things you watch for pleasure online. You sound like that type. You’re a sicko pervert. I’ve seen your other posts. Sexual abuse is disgusting you sicko.

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Monaten

    sorry but yahoo doesn’t want us commenting on the news anymore, we just need to trust that they are telling us all the important things we need to know

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Monaten

    For people who scream "fake news" so much, you really like fake news.

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