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Fatefinger fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 10 Monaten

Why are liberals buying guns now?

Don’t they know guns are bad? Only the police and military should have guns but we need to defund the police. Don’t they still believe that all guns should be banned and confiscated and all gun owners that oppose all guns being banned and confiscated should be killed? 

Do democrats and liberals understand by buying a gun they turn themselves into the most vile horrible disgusting subhuman unworthy of life animal to ever exist?: the legal gun owner? Almost as bad as the Trump voter but not as bad since liberal and democrats simply just want to take over so they can punish Trump voters by mandating the compete and total extermination of every single solitary United States citizen that voted for Trump. And that by becoming a gun owner becomes a non-human that should killed because they are now gun owners and all gun owners are bad, all gun owners should have there guns taken from them and all gun owners who resist having there guns taken from them should all be killed as they are obviously racist bigots and are all just a bunch of mass shooters in the waiting so tens of millions of gun owners should be killed. For the children. So why, why in the name of Karl Marx would they do the most horrible thing imaginable: buy a gun?

And after posting such an insane thing I really hope people can understand sarcasm when they see it. Do I believe all Democrats liberals and progressives thinks this way? No. Maybe 20% of registered democrats and 95% of Democrats in office.

4 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Monaten
    Beste Antwort

    Don't you get it? The left always only wants laws and the constitution to apply when it suits them, and only for them. 

    Pelosi will have a huge roast banquet and tell the people below in tents to stop eating meat, and will try to ban it.

    Liberals want guns for the intent of shooting people and riot with, yet will mock responsible conservatives who have guns as a last resort and defence.

    Finally, the left wants to be the only ones allowed to have guns.

  • vor 10 Monaten

    The protesters are liberals 

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Monaten

    Apparently because of Trump they now fear American society will go down the drain, they are also scared of the right wing trying to take control. 

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    vor 10 Monaten

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