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Lv 7
? fragte in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · vor 11 Monaten

What did the predators on Noah's ark eat for the whole voyage?

HeII, for that matter how many arks would it take to just carry the food for all the people and animals that would have had to be on the ark to explain the biodiversity that we have in our ecology.


Follow up  How did Noah get all over the world in a boat with no power?   Why did he drop off all the marsupials in Australia for instance?   

34 Antworten

  • vor 11 Monaten
    Beste Antwort

    Shut up, logical athiestic evolutionist heathen heretic sinner!

  • Anonym
    vor 2 Wochen

    They stopped in Hawaii and then in Australia. 

  • Anonym
    vor 4 Monaten

    Hey Lan... hope your doing well 

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Monaten

    noah, get the ark!!

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  • vor 10 Monaten

    Hi LAN

    I was just revisiting some of the questions I asked on Yahoo Answers from when I first started my account. One of my earliest questions was from years ago. I was much younger and my mom had just been diagnosed with breast cancer. I was really scared and asking what it would be like. I clicked on the question and looked through the answers, and to my extreme surprise, I saw your name. I immediately expected it to be something pretty rude being that I've seen you around here plenty of times, and usually you're not saying very nice things. But, to an even bigger surprise, you were actually really nice and helpful. This made me really curious, so I looked through your account. Most of your answers are not very nice, but a person doesn't have to be really smart to notice that a majority of the questions you answer are about cancer and mental health. Mental health makes sense because you like to pick on vulnerable people, but cancer? I wonder why. I hope I'm not prying too much, but please, settle my curiosity. Why cancer? Is it a relative? A friend? What happened? We all know the saying that "hurt people hurt people" and I want to know your story. It seems like you've been hurting for a while and I don't want you to have to hurt alone. I've been through the experience of having a close relative to me get cancer and it was terrible, and there have been times that I've trolled on the internet too. But under all of that meanness, was pain. And I don't care who you are or what you've done. I want to help you. Because at the end of the day, we're all human. And it seems like you're hurting. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 10 Monaten

    god kept them sated throught the journey.

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Monaten

    The fact that you have time to be on yahoo answers and constantly hurt people with your idiocy "answers" shows a lot about you. You're a miserable person who likes to bully people and only care about yourself. Do you ever think about other people's feelings? The things you "answer" with may actually affect them more than you think. 

  • Anonym
    vor 11 Monaten

    They ate fregaderos.

  • Cowboy
    Lv 6
    vor 11 Monaten

    not to mention all of the poop!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 11 Monaten

    It only lasted a short time, and there aren't that many species in the Mediterranean area (the "whole world" known to the Old Testament biblical writers).

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