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Hi!  I'm looking for the 16-bit rasterized elevation data that used to come out of the NEDS. Where'd it go?

Years ago the USGS used to offer 10m and 30m resolution raster maps of selected terrain within the USA.  There was a rough yellow map upon which you could select a rectangle of data to download, and the edges of the box were displayed as lattitude and longitude, and you could also tweak the margins by typing in the exact coordinates.

Once you selected your area either by mouse or typing coordinates (or both), (and you could see the dimensions of the area selected e.g. 950 by 720 units) the USGS would generate a zip file that had at least two files contained in it.  The main file was "Myfile.bin" (binary) and the other was "Myfile.hdr" (header) and there may have even been a "Myfile.dat" (data) which was a human readable output about what the bin file contained.  Myfile was just the default, you could type in "Xanadont" and get "Xanadont.bin & Xanadont.hdr"

The bin file was ONLY the data in 16-bit format, but I succeeded in dropping it straight into a 256 color grayscale bitmap that I had sized properly, and I truncated all the data above 256 meters, and got this hauntingly beautiful grayscale shot of the mississippi valley that looked like an x-ray, but I can't find that dataset again.  USGS please help me find those data again, and guys don't just say "Here it is!" until you can actually download *.bin *.hdr files.  I've been down a lot of dead ends, and I don't want to just get a map, I want to crunch the 16 bit data through a widget I want to finish making.

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