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At least one participant in this forum has the following beliefs.  Does anyone (besides me) see troubling inconsistencies?

1) As a devout Christian, I expect to spend eternity in paradise.

2) My longtime, loving husband has always supported and protected me.

3) Unless my agnostic husband changes, he is doomed to suffer the fires of hell for eternity.

4) I believe in a loving, merciful God.

7 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahr

    Hey, I got here because I stalked your YA! profile after seeing some of your rather caustic comments in response to answers on a question you didn't even answer.

    As a Christian who considers himself pretty rational, here are my thoughts:

    1) A common misconception about Christianity is that it's a free ticket to eternal life if we live morally. Honestly, if that's the primary reason a person is a "devout" Christian, they really should question the extent of their faith.

    2) I don't see how this is relevant. If she is convinced her husband is about run off a cliff, the fact that he loved and supported her wouldn't change her perspective of the situation.

    3) That is what she believes is truth. Her husband is blindfolded and on a train that is about to hurtle off a cliff. She had her blindfold removed. She took Jesus' hand and got off. She knows he is doomed if he doesn't get off.

    4) I would argue giving people free will is a great act of love. Imagine if you had the power to force someone you love to behave a certain way without them being aware of it. Would you do it? If someone who demeans you wants to commit suicide is it more merciful to let them, forcefully stop them, or reach out and offer your support?

  • vor 1 Jahr

    would a loving, merciful God do that? of course not That would be impossible. God is loving, just and merciful. Agnostics dont claim that God doesnt exist They dont claim to know if He exists or not. God promises He will lead them to the truth if they are willing to be shown I should know, I was an atheist for over 20 years

  • Bob L
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahr

    I too am a devout Christ, and the woman's beliefs are consistent with the Bible and its Gospels. The fact that you see inconsistencies merely reveals that you are destined to the same end as the woman's husband. God is all loving and all merciful, yet you reject Him because He has certain standards and criteria for entering His eternal kingdom. Surely you cannot be that arrogant. God judges based on His criteria, not that of mankind.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahr

    Paradise in the kingdom of God is like the lobby of a five star hotel...there is much much better available - that would be an "outer court" eternal experience. Other than that it looks to be accurate.

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  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahr

    If your religion is true you will be forced to worship your loving God throughout eternity as he watches your husband get tortured in hell FOREVER.

  • vor 1 Jahr

    Well every atheist does.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahr

    Add a belief about daily embalming in booze and you are describing Fireball.

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