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Are you following what is happening in Virginia?

What are your thoughts? Are you supportive? Are you going to the rally? Or do you wonder why Virginia gun owners did not see this coming, and, where all these gun owners during the last two elections?

11 Antworten

  • Rick
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahr
    Beste Antwort

    Yes, GW I've been following the developing scene pretty closely.  I stand in solid support of my brothers in arms.  I was really disappointed that the Virginia Supreme Court declined involvement due to insufficient evidence.  I'm too old and arthritic to attend personally but will be there in spirit praying for my brother's safety.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahr

    I'm not following it intently, GW, and that's a long drive from Texas.  You can't really believe the news these days, and you can never know if some people are there just to incite discord.  Liberals will stoop that low.  That said, the rally has been very peaceful, in spite of predictions of violence from CNN and their ilk.  I wonder, however, if this is the first shot in the next revolution?  Things seem to be building.  I hope the Left realizes that we are not going to easily give up our rights and allow them to subvert The Constitution at will.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahr

    This is what happens when Yankee carpetbaggers move into a state.  They claim to be fleeing social problems, yet vote for the people who brought the social problems in the first place.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahr

    They arrested some canadians trying to go join the protest.

    Democrats are saying it will not be tolerated, and any confederate, neo nazi, proud boys, militia, or white people with guns basicly.

    This is tyranny in my opinion.

    Banning semi-autos is unconstitutional.

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  • vor 1 Jahr

    I see news about it on Facebook. One of my friends has a cousin in that state. I support the US Constitution and its 2nd Amendment. Anybody who doesn't is a traitor. That worthless governor needs to be hanged for treason. I have no idea how such a scoundrel ever got elected.  

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahr

    Big money is getting into the gun confiscation and really heavy.

    Support NRA and Republicans running for office.

  • vor 1 Jahr

    gun owners knew yu would try taking guns long ago so they planned a revolt ahead of time\tha been cleaning out thh garbage for some time now hah\

  • vor 1 Jahr

    I'll stay home and support my Governor here in Alabama-

  • vor 1 Jahr

    Anyone who's been the slightest bit awake over the last 12 years knows that California politicians and billionaires have been pouring millions of dollars into Virginias socialist campaign coffers. Bloomberg only recently got involved in Virginia politics and flooded the socialist candidates campaigns with a fresh influx of millions of dollars of his own money. Northern Virginia has long been a democrat strong hold and has the voting power to outweigh the rest of the state. The rest of Virginia is a mostly conservative Republic, the areas south of DC and surrounding areas are a blight on the Constitutionally driven Commonwealth. 

    Northam was bought and paid for by Bloomberg and other anti American socialists. He has set the stage for a violent event in Richmond to blame 2A advocates for, and use the violence he himself paid for as a reason for banning firearms. Antifa is already there, the stage is already set, the 2A advocates are being set up for a fall. 

    The next revolution may begin in Virginia, but it will not end there.

    Quelle(n): The world is watching Virginia, and Northam thinks he's got us all fooled.
  • vor 1 Jahr

    Definitely no longer going to the rally. By declaring a state of emergency and contacting national media Governor Blackface Northam has set the stage for problems. It is now much too dangerous for my wife and I to attend. Governor Blackface publicly has likened Virginians that support the 2nd amendment to white supremist. That is a lie and he knows it. 

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