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Lv 6

Why is American sex education so pathetic ?

10 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahr

    It's not the same around the US, so we would need to know what you're referring to specifically.

    Your post belongs in Health or Education, not Singles & Dating.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahr

    It was built by Puritans, literally. Puritans were a sect in England who considered England too immoral to live there. This is the same England who gave us the Victorian Era, an era known specifically for its over-moralizing. Puritans consider showing violence on TV to be just fine, but showing sex is beyond the pale.

    If Australia was built on the criminal dregs of England, America was built on the religious dregs of England. Australia ended up with the better dregs.

  • vor 1 Jahr

    That's what i'm wondering, considering the caliber of questions about sex on Yahoo Answers. People are incredibly ignorant about sex, and here they are on the internet, where they can get any answer they want by using a search engine.

    "Am I Pregnant" is the ultimate question of stupidity on here....

    "Will my dick get bigger" is another stupid one... how do we know? Those idiots need to wait and see.

    Then there are guys who ask if their dick is big enough? Big enough for what? And who cares anyway?

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahr

    Here in the UK the teachers do it with each other in class to give practical demonstrations

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  • vor 1 Jahr

    I agree. Teens need to be taught more honestly about basic sexual needs. Their health can depend on giving them incorrect info. and causing them to make big mistakes early on. For example, everyone sees my answers about masturbation, and how this is important for teen males And females- daily. This is far preferable to having them be afraid to masturbate- and seeking sexual release with a partner, in vaginal penetration. Masturbation, including mutual masturbation, needs to be emphasized in schools as healthy for their bodies in general, but much safer also for teens. We've become a society that promotes sexuality, but makes teens in puberty feel confused and guilty (and sometimes really stupid) about their own sexuality. As adults, we are afraid we'll be get in trouble explaining anything sexual to anyone under age 18. I guess they'll have to remain uneducated, finding out the tragic ways... disease and pregnancy. Not to mention very unsatisfying sexual experiences with each other.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahr

    Too many people believe if you don't tell kids about it, they won't know about it or try it.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahr

    Depends on where you are.  

    I took sex ed in 8th grade and in 9th grade way back in the 1980s.   I actually was more up-to-date on birth control, STDs and "safe sex" (including LGBT issues) back then than I am now after 27 years of monogamous marriage.  Of course this was during the beginnings of AIDS/HIV.   We were literally taught that sex can KILL YOU (and it was the truth). 

    There are many people in the USA who feel that sex education is the decision/responsibility of the parent, not the school.   There are also people who think that educating kids about STDs and contraception encourages them to have sex.    I don't agree with those people, but it's one of the reasons why sex-ed sucks in some schools/school districts.

    In any case, there is nothing stopping a parent from properly educating their child.   IMO it is first and foremost their responsibility.   The school teaches it because there are some shiity parents out there. 

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahr

    We're still a very puritanical society. Most Americans are uncomfortable with sex and sexuality. In the comics pages of our newspapers, animals don't even urinate or defecate. No page 3 girls in the USA! 

  • .
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahr

    In high school, it tends to follow an old textbook and doesn't really focus on young people's frequently asked questions.   It covers the basics and if a student actually read the book, he/she could figure out the main things.

  • vor 1 Jahr

    Compared to which country?

    I do admit, sex education in certain schools are bad. Though it’s interesting because growing up, in public school they tried to teach us abstinence. But in catholic school they taught us how to protect ourselves. Guess which graduating class had less babies? (The catholic school btw)

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