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Lv 7

Why would people who claim they want an answer to their question block people who can provide them?

An anonymous person asked: "The origin of the universe is the uncaused cause, the origin has no origin because it is the origin". Can anyone please make sense of this?"

I could not post my response because he/she apparently has me blocked.

My response was:

Absolutely it can be explained. All PHYSICAL things logically must have a cause for their existence. This likewise applies to the largest physical thing of the universe which is the universe itself. Most people when asked the cause of the universe would reply with "the Big Bang", but what caused that? Here is where you get an endless series of suggestions such as other dimensions, the existence of quantum fluctuations, other universes, membranes producing countless universes, etc. ALL of these are more physical things that likewise need a cause. It is impossible to have an endless series of causes because without a FIRST cause you would have endless nothingness.

However this first cause must itself need nothing else for its own existence. It must be an UNcaused cause. Therefore it cannot be physical and as a result must be spiritual or supernatural. For it to cause the incredible order and fine-tuning of all the cosmological constants of our universe it must be mega-intelligent, and have the ability, willingness and purpose to act. In other words He must be a "person" who is omnipotent, omniscient, etc., etc. thus possessing all of the powers we assign to the Supreme Being whom we call "God".

7 Antworten

  • vor 2 Jahren

    They want to stay in the bubble. I've only ever blocked one person who was routinely being actively aggressive and mean to me on numerous questions because he didn't believe me that I'd been accepted by a traditional publisher only three months after sending them my manuscript. :-/ I disagreed with his statements that traditional publishers never pick up writers that are unknown to them because I know for a fact that isn't true.

  • vor 2 Jahren

    They don't want answers, they just want some one to regurgitate the fundie party line.

  • vor 2 Jahren

    No idea

  • Shay
    Lv 7
    vor 2 Jahren

    They block you when they don't agree with your answer or when they have seen other posts made by you that they don't agree with.

    At some point, you might have answered this person before and they didn't agree with you. Or maybe they have seen other posts you have made and didn't agree with you, so they decided to block you.

    Or - maybe you have made a comment on one of their answers and they didn't like the comment - so they blocked you.

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  • Anonym
    vor 2 Jahren

    Those aren't people. They are trolls, posting rants instead of legit questions

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 2 Jahren

    Wayyyyyyy into metaphysics here.

    What if things simply exist? Since "nothing" has never been isolated and studied as a definable phenomenon, all we've ever seen around us is "something".

    From the quantum foam to the large scale structure of the cosmos, there is always energy at work. That would render the old question "how can something come from nothing?" absolutely meaningless.

    Perhaps all we are seeing in this present universe is the mere flicker of a frame on the filmreel of eternity. You can't work much out about the story of a film from a single frame, especially one that is never ending.

    If you want to call that infinity God, then you go ahead. There's simply no evidence to go on either way since the big bang forms an absolute event horizon on what it is possible to know about our cosmological origins.

    Cosmology is one of the meanest of disciplines. It's like being born in a room without windows or doors, living your whole life inside it. You may assume there's more to the world beyond your room, you can build mathematical models until your heart's content - but you've no way to prove any of it.

    Personally I much prefer to limit our horizons to what we can actually know for sure about this universe. That's a big enough task as it is without evoking gods and eternities into it.

  • vor 2 Jahren


    Surely the answer is "I don't know"!

    I don't know is a valid position, I don't know therefore god is not!

    And of course in your scheme of things where did your god come from? It looks to me like you've added an unnecessary unexplained and unproven event to explain an event that was previously just unexplained - you are creating unproven complexity where it is not needed!

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