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Does making abortion a capital crime in Florida manifest God's love?

Abolish Abortion Florida has initiated a petition drive to amend the Florida Constitution making seeking or performing an abortion Murder in the First Degree, punishable by Death. Is this congruent with a religion that promotes a Loving God?

12 Antworten

  • vor 2 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Aside from the ridiculous unconstitutionality of what they want, there is also this:

    Their change would make ATTEMPTING to "perform or procure abortion" a capital offense.

    They are literally talking about executing pregnant women - AND their "unborn children" - for trying to get an abortion.


    This has slightly better than zero chance of getting on the ballot. But only slightly.

    And zero chance of actually passing.

  • vor 9 Monaten

    Just off hand, I'd say "NO" one of many answers would be here: John 8:3-11, which when I re-read it looks like a direct answer to that question, and I don't care whether I get any point or not.

  • vor 2 Jahren

    yes dear, because people murdering the innocent for convenience's sake is wrong, dear.

  • Nous
    Lv 7
    vor 2 Jahren

    Then it will not succeed since that is wrong in Law and unconstitutional!

    If you are so UNCHRISTIAN and UNAMERICAN you cannot stand living in a democracy with all it’s hard won freedoms, Constitution and human rights why have you not emigrated to North Korea?!

    Thankfully Federal Law bars people like yourself with extremist religious views from the military and several Federal jobs and any form of security clearance!

    The NSA monitors all posts so should have identified you and passed your details to the relevant Federal Agencies!

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  • vor 2 Jahren

    yes, it does, from the standpoint that God loves all, and every person that's in the womb is loved by Him, and He wants them to live and fulfill His purpose for their life. Please keep in mind that this is not a fair discussion, since everyone that is arguing for free and available abortions is already born. Let's ask the unborn what they think.

  • vor 2 Jahren

    That won't happen, abortion is a right every woman has. Christian morons don't know anything about morality and will not be taken seriously... As always happen ha, ha.

  • vor 2 Jahren

    I always think it strange that those who are most vehemently "pro-life" regarding abortion are also strongly in favour of capital punishment and guns

  • vor 2 Jahren

    Federal law says it is legal, if Florida enacts a law as you describe... it will be challenged in higher courts.

  • Anonym
    vor 2 Jahren ... is that a reliable source of information? What other sites are there?

    As far as Florida goes, there's a lot of criminals in it, and they aren't too afraid of the law. A lot of them get a slap on the wrist, and go back to their ways.

    Abortion is taking life. People are lovers of self though and pleasure, rather than loving God and loving others rightly. God's love is self-sacrifical, it is true love... even Jesus being willing to give up His life to save the lives of others.

  • Anonym
    vor 2 Jahren

    Ask the 70% of christian women who are having abortions, they should know all about their fairy's love, aborting the child they created by having unprotected sex and spreading their nasty diseases. That's real god's love there in god fairy country!!! What a joke!!! christian women in Florida will not know what to do....OMG!!

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