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Glacierwolf fragte in PetsBirds · vor 2 Jahren

I have lost several parrots to a disease and the remaining ones are acting up badly.?

We had several sun conures, a pair of green cheeks and two Quaker parrots. Sadly one of the conures came with a slow acting immune issue disease. We paid a small fortune in vet bills, had a necropsies done - and learned it would affect the others. Past two years the illness took all the conures. The two remaining Quakers horribly miss the conures….. and call for them constantly all day long - going on two months now. They act like a predator is going to snatch them up any second - just alert as all hell when awake. Any ideas on how to help calm them through their loss? We tried new toys, moved the cages, new treats. They are no longer companions and become a chore to keep instead of fun to be with. Ideas?


The doctors are pretty sure the illness is conure based and probably will not affect the Quakers - however - the Quakers need to be kept away from other birds as they could be carriers. If it had not been that, I would have acquired another green cheek to keep the Quakers happy...…. something we did 8 years ago that worked like a champ.

Update 2:

I don't 'scrub' the cages, lol. I take them out once a month and pressure wash them with light bleach. The look immaculate when finished.

1 Antwort

  • Anonym
    vor 2 Jahren

    replace the lost birds. also give the cages etc a really good clean and scrub and put out in the sun.

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