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Lv 7
Grinch fragte in PetsDogs · vor 2 Jahren

Pit bull owners, please help. How do you handle the negativity, what do you say or do, regarding the wrong assumptions about the breed?

I asked a question about this dog a few days ago and got really nothing much more than smack and disdain in response.

(if you want to see it)

I love this dog and I will NOT give up on her. She is not some evil creature.

I just want to give this dog her best life, and I think we can, but would appreciate help and advice from anyone familiar with owning and managing the pit bull breed.

Thank you.

2 Antworten

  • vor 2 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    I've just read your previous question and answers. I don't have and never have had Pit Bulls so can't help there but I have Rottweilers which also can make people a little wary. In every day life I just promote them as well mannered good temperamented dogs and stay calm and confident when around others.

    ie.. a couple of days ago. My older girlie was having her regular acupuncture appointment and I had to walk down a small path and there was another dog coming the other way. I saw the people 'freeze' not knowing what to expect but I carried on walking with a loose lead as I knew my girl would just walk on past without even looking at the other dog which she did. I work with them at as many dog clubs as possible and my girl is in a little display team which can be seen at local events.

    From your replies to answers on your other question I think you will totally succeed with this dog who sounds like she will become a different dog once away from the other two and I wish you the best of luck with her.

    Picture of my girl in her display team... she looks fat there but I assure you she isn't. I keep all my dogs lean.

    Attachment image
  • vor 2 Jahren

    Pitt bulls are trash dogs. They are well proven to be aggressive, dangerous and will turn on people no matter what. Best to have it pt down

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