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What breed of dog is this?
Picture from a piece of junk mail I received.
Update: I sent my question to's media relations department, and they answered back that she's a Red Golden Retriever.

24 Antworten
- Anonymvor 2 JahrenBeste Antwort
It is either A nova scotia duck tolling retriever or a fox red haired golden retriever!
- ?Lv 7vor 11 Monaten
Let it be known that it was "Stinky" coming here to troll from behind chickenshit anonymity to accuse me of dog rape.
Screen grab from my email notifications:
- Anonymvor 1 Jahr
Looks like a Labradoodle hybrid with a deer. And then it has the fifth paw, that looks disturbingly human.
- Anonymvor 2 Jahren
That is a golden retriever.
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- vor 2 Jahren
not mutt. that is golden retriever because they can be dark brown color or golden light cream colors not mix either.
- ZotsRuleLv 7vor 2 Jahren
Definitely NOT a full blooded Golden Retriever. Its muzzle is WAY too narrow.
It's a mutt. Maybe a mix of Golden Retriever and some sort of hound breed or Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever.
- ?Lv 6vor 2 Jahren
Well it does look like it has a degree of Golden Retriever in it, it could be a purebred, not sure, more old world type look. Retriever or Setter mix.
- Anonymvor 2 Jahren
Sexy breed
- ?Lv 7vor 2 Jahren
It`s a classic old time Golden retriever..... as E.h. Amos says in the relative answer here.... I also remember the old goldies like that before the gobshites overbred and altered them ya see .....She is a lovely lookin dog also i.m.h.o.
Quelle(n): Just an old Shepherd - Anonymvor 2 Jahren
looks like a red setter with shorter fur.