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Lv 7
Ocimom fragte in PetsDogs · vor 2 Jahren

Have you ever adopted a middle-age or senior dog from a rescue group?


We are looking to adopt from a rescue group. Has anyone ever done this? Were you happy with the decision? Any major problems? Would you do it again?

10 Antworten

  • PR
    Lv 7
    vor 2 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    I adopted a senior dog from a shelter. She is a great dog. I adopted a 6 month old dog from the shelter. She lived for 17 years and was about the best dog you would want to own (Border Collie).

    I helped with a rescue league. I can say that most leagues will work with you to find the dog that is right for you. They want this to work, so they usually don't fool around. They can sometimes be a bit difficult to deal with, because they have seen so much cruelty to animals, but they usually know the animals well, so they know what sort of home they should go to.

    If you have a rescue group who is willing to work with you, don't hesitate do consider them. Look at their adoption form, because the issue might be if you have your heart set on an animal and then "don't qualify". Determine what their requirements are, so you won't be disappointed if they refuse you. Also, be sure you have any animals you currently own up-to-date on vaccines, because rescues are usually pretty strict in this: they want to be sure you are going to take care of the new animal, so they want to know you have taken care of your current animals. Some might do a "home visit" to be sure you aren't living in an apartment that doesn't allow pets, or you aren't a pet hoarder, etc., but not all do this. Unfortunately, too many rescue groups have been burned by people they thought were good candidates, to find they have placed the animal in a difficult position, so they are quite cautious.

    Otherwise, don't hesitate to look into this. Any animal you adopt through a rescue group leaves an opening for another animal to be saved. The fact that the animal is in a rescue group, says nothing about the animal, but more about the person who used to own it. Ask about the animal, but the group should match you with an appropriate animal, and they usually do their homework so the adoption will, ultimately, work.

    You could also consider becoming a foster for the group. Then, you can "try the animal out".

    You could also try looking for reviews on the group.

    Each rescue group operates using their own money, as well as donations. The money that comes in from an adoption goes directly to the care of the next dog or cat. There are usually health bills associated with animals, so they are often putting a lot of their own money into the animals.

    In the case of becoming a foster for an animal (caring for it in your home until if finds a permanent home), the vet bills are most often covered by the group, as long as they are a legitimate rescue group with a 501 license; in that case you can end up helping a lot of animals, or just a couple depending on your own circumstance.

  • sarah
    Lv 5
    vor 2 Jahren

    I adopted a middle-aged dog from a shelter, and it was a HORRIBLE experience. The main questions that my roommate at the time and I had were, "Is she good with other dogs?" and, "Is she good with kids?" They assured us that she was great with both. Well, we get her home, and after she almost killed my roommate's small dog, went lunging at the 12-year-old neighbor boy and trying to attack him for no reason whatsoever, and bit my mom for doing nothing more than walking into the house in a non-threatening, happy manner...that little brat went straight back to the shelter. Come to find out, it was not the first time that someone had returned her for similar issues, and we were not the last to do so, either. It wasn't the first time the shelter had lied about an animal's history, either. So, my advice would be to check into the background of the shelter/rescue group before you even start to choose a dog. Some of them will tell you whatever you want to hear just to get you out of there with an animal.

    That's not to say that they're all terrible, of course. My roommate went on to adopt from another shelter (one with better reviews), and the dog she ended up with that time is one of the sweetest pups I've ever met.

  • J M
    Lv 7
    vor 2 Jahren

    Yes, all of my dogs have been older rescues.

  • vor 2 Jahren

    Me not personly, but my family members have. My aunt has shep her dog. He was 3 years old when she got him and only understood Russian. They don't know his past stories but that's all we knew. He had the stairs it took a lot of work/effort to get him comparable. Most rescues do need a lot of work with training. My other aunt had blue, a 2-year-old rescue lab. He tore her house apart 3 times and she had to give him away, it was very sad

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  • vor 2 Jahren

    Yes, and I have also adopted adult dogs directly from people who realized that the dog would be better off with someone else. The two I got from shelters were good dogs with no particular problems, in fact one of them was an excellent dog in every way, and the two I got directly from their former owners had some behaviour problems. Adopting adult dogs has advantages and disadvantages. You can't always tell what they'll be like until you get them.

  • lj1
    Lv 7
    vor 2 Jahren

    Last August, I adopted a 5 year old black lab from the local animal control. She is one of the best dogs I have ever had.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 2 Jahren

    I do it ALL the time. I also take in oldies one after another as well and I mean for a Rottie age 9 yrs plus.

    My girl who is now 9 yrs old came to me at 3 1/2 and still made the display team. I work with the rescue and foster in dogs of all ages and tbh.. and read this bit carefully.... pups are not always blank pages as some assume. They are their genetics and some are harder work than others, but with a middle age rescue dog...WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET and you will know whether you have a dog that is nervy, calm, confident or whatever.

    Best of luck with your choice and I say definitely 'go for it'.

    Me and my girl in the display team.

    Attachment image
  • vor 2 Jahren

    Yes, over & over & over again & again. I have rescued large & extra large dogs for about 50 yrs. Many of the rescues don't have the space for the large dogs so they would call me & I could take in as many as 5 at any one time. Zoning limit. Every time one died, that left room for one more. Such a great need for BYBers to be BANNED from breeding their pets.

    Every rescues comes with lots of baggage. Bad habits, not house broken, fearful, too aggressive, sickly.... so many different issues to work on for each & every one. Not knowing their past makes it difficult to find a way to fix issues that need to be trained out or trained in.

  • Anonym
    vor 2 Jahren

    yes, its the best choice ive ever made

  • Anonym
    vor 2 Jahren

    No I'm a cat person

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