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He tries to make me look like a nut case when he is around his family. He yells at me and tells his mom he has to hang up. Why?
It seems like every time someone in his family calls him or any time his family are here, he tries to make me look bad, like I'm doing something bad to him. I walked in the kitchen and asked him something a couple weeks ago, and he starts yelling, and tells his mom, he has to hang up because I am supposedly doing something. I wasn't doing anything. What is he up to?
4 Antworten
- Anonymvor 2 Jahren
He's setting up an excuse for killing you. When the time comes that he does it, he can say it was self-defense. And he'll have witnesses that can say they've heard you abusing him.
- ???Lv 7vor 2 Jahren
This is a very specific form of abuse meant to undermine your support systems once he does something REALLY nasty to you. Get out of this relationship pronto.