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Lv 7

Atheists are constantly asking for scientific evidence that supports theism. Can an atheist give scientific evidence that supports atheism?

Note that this is NOT a discussion about evolution. Atheists have made it clear their belief that atheism is ONLY about a disbelief in God. Just give me any sort of supportive science that supports that position.

42 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 2 Jahren

    You can only disprove things.

  • vor 2 Jahren

    No, we do ask for your evidence when you claim there is evidence of a god. BTW, atheism is not connected to science. We have nothing to claim, we as atheists only do not accept belief that a god exists.

  • Anonym
    vor 2 Jahren

    OK you ask a impossible prove what does not exist? Can you prove I never have eaten yogurt?

    I will accept a miracle as proof: Say all the children in all the world are instantly cured of all birth defect and cancer ,,, and it was announced by a appearance in the sky of a image of god all people all over the world hear the announcement,

    and to make it clear ,, at one moment all people all over are all gifted with the understanding of one common language for ever

  • vor 2 Jahren

    Yes. I can. And so can you. You ARE aware of theories on gravity, quantum mech, biology, cultural anthropology, cosmology, chemistry, and origins of religiosity. Let’s just ignore It all? How, why?

    Because a beautifully written, theologically complex book of religious writings have already figured it out? C'mon brother. Religion once had big balls, but Science has castrated the gods.

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  • vor 2 Jahren

    I exist, That is proof that Atheism exists.

    You say that a God exists. You have not demonstrated your claim. I find no good reason to believe you and so I do not accept your claim as it stands. All you need to do is give positive proof for your positive claim. I have no need to give you evidence that I do not find your claim compelling. The fact I do not find it compelling is proof I do not find it compelling. Offer evidence of God or you have not convinced me. Period.

    I only reject your claim because you have not adequately demonstrated it. As it stands, your claim is foolish and absurd in the highest degree. Should I not require a reason to believe? Do you not have compelling reasons why you believe?

  • Anonym
    vor 2 Jahren

    Experiments regarding the power of prayer

  • vor 2 Jahren

    There is a scientific principle that supports atheism. It is Occam's Razor.

  • Huh?
    Lv 7
    vor 2 Jahren

    Although there are some atheists that make a claim, the majority of atheists are rejecting the claim made by theists because theist's claims are unsupported by any evidence. It is not necessary to disprove your claim to reject the claim for lack of evidence. I know this has been explained numerous times so either you are not bright enough to understand this position or are wantonly ignorant.

    If I claim I have a fire breathing purple dragon with pink polka dots that lives in my basement do you think you would be required to provide evidence if you claim you don't believe I have a dragon? Would you be justified in rejecting my claim without any supporting evidence? Any reasonable person would recognize that any claim presented without evidence can be rejected without evidence to the contrary, and extraordinary claims, like my claim to own a dragon, or your claim that God exists, would require extraordinary evidence.

    If you are willing to accept my claim of a dragon unless you have scientific evidence to prove an anti-dragon position, then you can expect others to accept your claim. Rejecting the claim is what is called the "null hypothesis."

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 2 Jahren

    It is the null hypothesis. There is no reason to assume a relationship between x and y until we have sufficient evidence to say there actually is a relationship between x and y.

    There is no reason to assume there is a relationship between Yahweh and the creation of the universe without evidence that Yahweh was the one that did create the universe, just as there's no reason to assume Brahma created the universe without clear evidence Brahma created the universe, just as there's no reason to assume Odin created the world without clear evidence Odin created it.

    One doesn't choose not to believe in bigfoot because they've conducted an exhaustive survey of every inch of the globe to show were bigfoot wasn't. The burden of proof is upon the person claiming bigfoot exists to demonstrate that it does.

    Show me a bigfoot, and I'll believe it exists. Show me a god, and I'll be a theist. Until then, the burden of proof is yours.

  • Anonym
    vor 2 Jahren

    Atheism is not claiming anything

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