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Why is there a gap in the Chemistry questions between 20 hours old and 3 day s old, and then another to 5 days old.?
I'm certain the Chemistry questions have been coming in continuously during those times.
4 Antworten
- Anonymvor 2 JahrenBeste Antwort
Either the invisible question glitch had returned (questions are there, but not visible) or a malicious level 7 has relocated them (which happens a lot, in some categories).
The glitch usually resolves in time, but it's been known to take weeks. The level 7 moving depends on who's moving them and why. They usually quit eventually, especially if other users are able to put the questions back.
- vor 2 Jahren
Hello Roger, this isn’t really an answer but I wanted to ask a favor. You answered a question a few years back which is actually from my school’s labs that we write on coffee cup calorimeters. As I’m grading their papers many are just giving an answer with no work. I was hoping you’d be willing to take down that answer. The students do have resources but don���t always reach out to us. Or if you could edit it to help people on the way without giving answers, I would appreciate it. The question you answered starts with “Pre-Laboratory Questions: 1. A coffee cup calorimeter was used for the neutralization reaction of 100 mL of 1.00 M hydrochloric acid”
I’m approaching my character limit so I won’t post the whole thing but I would greatly appreciate your help in this. I understand your desire to help people learn, but some students are abusing it and it would be more helpful for them to be forced to ask for help themselves.
- vor 2 Jahren
It is an old glitch that may be creeping back. Questions for an entire day are sometimes hidden.