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20 Antworten
- Anonymvor 3 JahrenBeste Antwort
I used to read the NY Times regularly in the 80s and 90s but they have turned into a propaganda machine for the Left and the Democratic party. I regard the NY Times as nothing more than fish wrap or better yet, bird cage liner.
- SMH CorpLv 7vor 3 Jahren
I guess it's possible, but I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt over that of Lyin' Donald.
- Elwood BluesLv 7vor 3 Jahren
"Yeah, and monkeys might fly out of Trump's butt!" The editorial writer is fond of the word "lodestar." Who else likes that word?
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- Anonymvor 3 Jahren
Yes. The Ny Slimes has been caught doing this before with a loser named Blair.
- Anonymvor 3 Jahren
That is not possible. The new York times is one of the most prestigious news organizations in the history of the world. They would not simply lie. There is nothing in it for them except the risk of losing their business and over 100 year reputation for journalistic excellence and integrity.
Pro tip: If you want to find the craziest yahoo answers users of all, find the ones that agree it's possible. Then you will know for later.
- Anonymvor 3 Jahren
People that post anonymously do so out of insecurity.
Quelle(n): Psychology. - JuanaLv 7vor 3 Jahren
Possible but extremely unlikely. The NYT wouldn't risk their reputation (which is very good, no matter what Trump says) to lie to the American people. The truth always comes out.
- ОϾUԼUЅLv 7vor 3 Jahren
It's possible that Trump's such a narcissist that he wrote it himself.
Uncomfortable thought, eh? 😏