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XaurreauX fragte in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · vor 3 Jahren

How does one know if a specific individual is falsely reporting and/or having questions moved or deleted?

12 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 3 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Well, you can't know that it's a specific individual because reporting is anonymous and users don't need to identify themselves when moving a question to a different category. That being said, if your question or answer is reported, at least this was the case in the past, Yahoo! would sent an email stipulating which specific question or answer was taken down. Because you would know which bit of content was reported, that could help you narrow it down a bit because you would know which section that question or answer was in when it was reported and that might enable you to know which of the trolls who frequents that particular section might have been responsible. You could also glean clues from which category your questions are being moved to, as many trolls are creatures of habit and they might lurk in one section and then habitually move questions from there to another category such as how many of the trolls in Politics & Government have a habit of sending questions that they don't like to Arts & Humanities or Entertainment & Music, that sort of thing. But the short answer is that, no, you cannot tell for sure who's responsible, and with email notifications disabled, reporting out of commission and trolls operating with impunity, it's probably only going to get worse. Most trolls have learned to go anonymous, and while I use the feature quite often these days because I'm fast approaching level 7 myself and I don't want to lose points for nothing, it's probably something that Yahoo! should consider abandoning if they intend to keep Answers alive. One needs an email address and a phone number to create an account, but there's one user who's been trolling multiple sections lately that operates at least four separate accounts which constantly interact with one another. That's the part that's against the rules. I could have ten accounts so long as I never answer my own questions, award myself best answer, comment on my own answers or upvote my own answers, but this person does all of those things so each account ought to be closed down. But nobody is willing to block numbers or flag IP addresses so this will continue until this site either decides to get itself together or decides to just disappear altogether. These days I find the latter a much stronger possibility. If these forums were to disappear by next year I wouldn't be surprised at all. We've been limping along for years now.

  • vor 3 Jahren

    You really cannot. this is the fault in the self-policing system. No way to stop abusive use of the capabilities. Honor systems require that the participants are honorable. Turns out that there are people who aren't, or who are not mentally competent. And that, truly, is a major flaw with the entire concept of the internet. Can't easily get away from the wack-jobs.

  • vor 3 Jahren

    I appreciate ALL of your answers. Something needs to change.

  • Daniel
    Lv 7
    vor 3 Jahren

    You cant thats not possible Yahoo does not tell people who Reports who and who moves who's Question

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  • Anonym
    vor 3 Jahren

    You can't know for sure. Even someone who claims they are, might say that just to get people riled up. Reporting is anonymous here, and so is question moving (all you can know about the question moving is that the user has a level 7 account).

    You can appeal any removal of content (question or answer), that is falsely reported, but the only remedy you have for having questions moved is to move them back where they belong (sometimes many, many times).

    You can appeal content removal here:

    and include The specific text of the post that was deleted, The violation reason specified in the notification email (if you got one, if you didn’t get one then make that known), The reason why you'd like it reviewed, and The Yahoo ID you're using in Yahoo Answers.

  • Anonym
    vor 3 Jahren

    Difficult, but there may be clues..... I do know a certain user takes down my answers, because he cannot take my criticism. Happened 3 times, soon after answering, only yesterday - same question poster. None of my answers to other questions were reported,

    Another user (an abusive troll) blocked my answers.

  • Bye
    Lv 7
    vor 3 Jahren

    There's no way to actively figure out who did it, but oftentimes when I've complained about it on here, several Level 7 trump cultists have just come right out and admitted that they do it all the time. Maybe that'll happen here.

  • vor 3 Jahren

    You don't.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 3 Jahren

    No idea - Someone has been upset by what you've written and has now taken it upon themselves to persecute you.

    YA has a silly system in place - Really easy to report a question/answer, Long process to appeal if they even bother to look at it

  • Anonym
    vor 3 Jahren

    One doesn't. Yahoo doesn't let users know what users have reported their questions and/or answers. Likewise, Yahoo doesn't have a way for you to know what level-seven user changes the category of a particular question.

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