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Should Y!A, get rid of the anonymous, blocking and level 7 moving other people’s stuff, features?


I mean, if you are afraid of responses, why bother posting?

13 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 3 Jahren

    No, then people will have nothing to complain about.

  • vor 3 Jahren

    YA users REQUESTED the anonymous feature. Yahoo gave us EXACTLY what we asked for.

    Yes, VERIZON, which has OWNED Yahoo and YA for year now, SHOULD remove the ability of level 7 accounts to move OTHER peoples' questions, BUT ALL ACCOUNT levels should be able to MOVE THEIR OWN QUESTIONS./. Right NOW, ALL account levels CAN MOVE THEIR OWN QUESTIONS, because the server computers may NOT put a question into the "correct" category or categories. Server computers sometimes cannot determine the meaning of keywrd in the a question header because often context can CHANGE the meaning of particular word..

    WHO IS GOING TO CODE THOSE COMPUTER PROGRAMS. Those Yahoo OR VERIZON employees expect to be PAID livable wages or salaries. Yahoo laid off so many employees between the Middle of April, 2013 and June 2017 that VERIZON may not have enough coders to code the computer programs that would BLOCK level 7 accounts or DISABLE computer programs so level 7 accounts cannot move OTHER people's questions. Often "tinkering" with computer programs can cause major ripple or halo effects across the ENTIRE computer network, so maybe NO ONE would be able to move their OWN questions.

    Blocking should NOT be removed either, but MAYBE Verizon should RAISE the limit on how many email accounts can be blocked by ONE email account from 200 accounts to 400 or 500 email accounts. Blocking DOES NOT WORK, but there are a LOT of paranoid, including VERY paranoid possibly dangerously delusional people out there who hate themselves AND everyone else.who are potential time bombs just waiting for a "trigger" to set them off.

  • vor 3 Jahren

    Blocking is annoying. It might have been bought in to counteract stalking but it is usually used to prevent people who might disagree with the asker from answering questions. There are ways around blocking but they should not be necessary.

    Anonymous is a feature we could well do without. People use the anonymous option to post some of the most offensive questions and answers on the site and cannot be reported.

    Moving questions can be helpful when they are asked in the wrong section. It should be possible for anyone who has had a question moved to be able to appeal the move and if the mover cannot justify the move, then moving privileges should be withdrawn.

  • vor 3 Jahren

    Definitely! Its like the blind leading the blind on here, serious

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 3 Jahren

    The ability to move questions should be limited to the user who created the question. I've had questions moved around a lot (especially from the 'politics' section) and it can be annoying.

    Blue faces? Meh. I've been around long enough to see the same people have 10 different accounts.

    Blocking should definitely be kept ... it's been around for as long as I've been coming to this site.

  • Anonym
    vor 3 Jahren

    Yes. Then make all-caps posts an explicit violation and eliminate the (relatively new) ability to thumb-up our own answers. Fireball's head would explode.

  • Nous
    Lv 7
    vor 3 Jahren

    Yes both anonymous and blocking should go but people who keep claiming level 7 people move things should stop making false claims!

    I suspect you block lot of people and it will most likely be them!

    Sad when people post like you do!

  • Anonym
    vor 3 Jahren

    Anonymous? Yes. The site functioned fine before it existed. It's easy enough to create another account to ask 'sensitive' or embarrassing questions if someone doesn't want their more well-known YA identity to be associated with a specific topic or situation.

    Blocking? No. There have always been stalkers on the site and people shouldn't have to deal with someone trolling their questions or answers, just to be hateful. This isn't a chat site, it's supposed to be a database of knowledge.

    Level 7 moving Qs? No, BUT there should be a good way to report abuse of the feature and anyone abusing it should lose the ability to move questions (other than their own) for good. The function has a good use, but it's been horribly abused and that needs to stop.

  • Jeff
    Lv 7
    vor 3 Jahren


  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 3 Jahren

    I have one or two stalkers and it's really irritating, why doesn't Y/A's notice my questions get flagged by the same accounts over and over, these people have a dozen accounts. Someone with a dozen accounts can get every one of my questions flagged and deleted.

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