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If "The Devil has already lost," why would he continue to make war on God? What would he have to prove? What would he gain?

Seems like an exercise in futility, especially from someone supposedly so cunning and wily as Satan.


I forgot to mention that this question is taken from a statement made in another post.

Update 2:

First of all, I want to thank everyone who participated. The class of answers was of a MUCH higher level than I've seen here in a long time. I'll try to make the pick as soon as possible.

22 Antworten

  • vor 3 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    This is further evidence of how badly written the Bible is. In any drama, one must have a protagonist and an antagonist. Further, a story where the antagonist cannot ever have a chance of winning isn't drama, it's just bad & lazy writing.

    No sensible antagonist fights once all hope of a win is gone. The use of the German and Japanese governments of WW2 fighting on to way, way beyond the last rational moment is ample proof of this point, as both governments were deeply dysfunctional and, well, insane.

    One is then left with the problem that, even if we were to argue that the devil made those two governments as dysfunctional as they were, we would then have to admit that the devil, a creation of God, having been made as dysfunctional, shows that God is as BAD at making subordinate beings as the devil is.

    In which case, God is as BAD as the devil. Frak them both.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 3 Jahren

    For gits and shiggles

  • 😌
    Lv 6
    vor 3 Jahren

    Well, think about it. If you know you have power as a spirit being and you already lost are you just gonna sit there and wait thousands of years until it's your time to be sentenced by God? No. You're gonna go all crazy unless you were someone like me. If it was me, I'd honestly try to get people the truth even if it meant my life because if I'm useless I'll treat it as such. I'll give people life lessons and some struggles to be tested by but I would like to get that people made it to their rightful place. A place that I assisted in ruining for the death of so many people and I'd take my death with honor. I'd have more fun saving people than ruining them.

  • Donald
    Lv 7
    vor 3 Jahren

    He thinks he can win...

    In his mind ( pride was the sin remember) he feels he can use GODS children against HIM.

    AS PAWNS...

    Look around , many are deceived.

    Even good Christians are being misled in their doctrine.

    The false messiah is coming.

    He will seduce all people on earth.

    ALL BUT A FEW...

    Rev 13 shows this...( CLEARLY )

    Satan is the touchstone for salvation. (the tormentor)

    Only those with purity will attain eternal life...

    Notice who sides with him in Revelation 20...

    The people he can manipulate...

    Rev 20:7 ¶ And when the thousand years are expired,

    Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,

    Rev 20:8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth,

    Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.


    Quelle(n): he will never give up. like many here. some will see the truth because they are good people at heart. GOD sees who is who. the time is short for change.
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  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 3 Jahren

    That would be a complete misunderstanding of the concept of "the Satan".

    In the ancient world, the "Satan" or appointed opposition, was a part of the king's court. A true, loyal and trusted advisor, they would seek out and draw opposition to the king to themselves while keeping the king from being surrounded only by yes-men.

    Satan is in fact the most loyal servant of Yahweh, trusted to rout out all opposition, not a genuine adversary. The whole thing is a rope-a-dope. Didn't you ever wonder why Satan would torture his followers when he was looking for an army to overthrow God? It would seem to me that the vast majority of believers are abject fools if they believe this garbage. Try reading the Bible in contemporary context -- it makes much more sense.

  • Tony R
    Lv 7
    vor 3 Jahren

    Well if nothing can exist without god, as so many claim, then that would mean god is actively supplying power to satan and his demons so they can have power to roam around and exist. That god is actively making sure they can do their evil deeds. But surely satan knows this, yet he thinks he can over come it somehow. It makes no sense. It's obviously a made up story with lots of holes in it. If he is more stupid than us on this then I don't see how a being with the brain of a three year old could really do anything as elaborate as Christians claim.

  • yesmar
    Lv 7
    vor 3 Jahren

    It's his nature, he can't help it. In the same way that D-Day was the decisive death blow to the Germany in the Second World War, they continued fighting on for some time as the conflict wound down.

    The same thing is happening to the Fallen Kingdom. The death blow was dealt on the cross, and yet the probationary period for their kingdom to exist is winding down.

  • vor 3 Jahren

    The Bible story can only make any sense if the Devil is under the control of God (or is part of God). Or the Devil is another god with similar powers who is trying to wrest power from God.

    There are just too many plot holes otherwise.

  • Anonym
    vor 3 Jahren

    The devil is just an excuse for chrischans to use to do evil

  • vor 3 Jahren

    God will protect us, but we can walk away and chose the devil

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