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anyone else get annoyed that yahoo has a cap to how words you can use to ask a question.?

It irritates me because I can never ask some really good questions I have because yahoo puts a cap on how many words you can use.


Let me reword the title Anyone else get annoyed that yahoo has a cap to how many words you can use In the details section when asking a question?

4 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 3 Jahren

    You obviously do not understand how to ask a question. The ask a question is just to give a idea on your question that is only 140 characters.

    Now the detail portion located on the bottom center of the ask a question box is where you had your details. Here you can use up to 1,500 characters on a smartphone or 2,500 on a computer. More than enough space to ask any question.

    But keep in mind no one is going to read a long question. They will just answer based on your Headlines. Make sure you do both before you submit.

    Advance: As question on how the system work instead of making a rant about something you don't understand.

  • vor 3 Jahren

    Not really. I think the cap allows for a decent question length. It's the description that's meant to contain more information.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 3 Jahren

    Use details icon BEFORE posting to add lots more info

  • Kieth
    Lv 7
    vor 3 Jahren

    You don't need to write a novel to ask a question.

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