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Rock & Pop: Let's share some songs that celebrate the end of an era?

Hello, everyone. Today is a special day for me, because this day marks the end of my summer vacation. I'm in college right now, and I'm going to start my senior year of college tomorrow. I feel like today marks the end of an era for me, as I feel like adulthood is slowly, but surely creeping up on me. This time might the last ever occasion in my life where I can have a summer vacation, and I know that I'll going to be done with college very soon. Do any of you guys have songs to share with me, that celebrate the end of an era?

BQ: For those of that are are currently going to and/or have graduated from college: How did you feel, during your senior year of college? What made it special to you?

BQ2: Why is senior year such a big deal for college students?

BQ3: If you could choose a song lyric that described senior year of college, what song lyric would you choose?

BQ4: In general, what is your take on the 80s noise rock scene?

7 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 4 Jahren
  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 4 Jahren

    BQ1: My senior year was my worst year to be honest. A little too much happened that went against me, and I ended up having to take a summer class AFTER my graduation. But overall What was special about it was the feeling of being done, feeling that you made it through.

    BQ2: As mentioned above, the feeling that you are an adult now, that you did it (even though you dont really feel like an adult until later on in life).

    BQ3: Änother chance to lift my life, free the sensation in my heart, to ride the winds of dreams, into changing horizons".

    BQ4: Im open to it.

    Best Advice I can give you, Enjoy your senior year, make the best of it, do some interships, meet new people make connections, but most importantly, remember that life after college is as good as you make it to be.

    Enjoy, and best of luck.

  • mars
    Lv 7
    vor 4 Jahren

    M.I.R.V.- Shave My Face Off

    BQ1: Happy, but uncertain about the future.

    BQ2: You can go on to attain mastery of your studies

    BQ3: "I change my body, I'm changin' my brain/ I'm gonna' win it, whatever the pain"

    BQ4: Cool!

  • Danny
    Lv 7
    vor 4 Jahren

    Hi, 'B. Graduating from college was like the third era ending in roughly the first third of my life.

    First was the end of my childhood and surviving Vietnam, best captured in the Stones' classic, Give Me Shelter... ...

    Second was when giving up my try at being a rockstar, a very sad period when the road horn band I was in cost me my health, "baby", and sanity. We did a lot of Chicago (CTA), and here's the best one that captured it, South California Purples... ...

    Third was completing an undergrad degree, leaving town for grad school without attending any ceremony, with a new life, blasting this Joni Mitchell in my VW microbus... ...

    In the 40 some years since, there have been more, but that's a start. I wish you luck and adventure in your future. Rod S had the right idea with "Every Picture Tells a Story": Make the best out of the bad, just laugh it up...

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  • Anonym
    vor 4 Jahren

    I'll go ahead and be Mr. Obvious on this one.

    1999 - Prince

    BA: I wasn't a traditional student, I was 29 when I graduated. I just wanted it to be done.

    BA2: I think for the reason you mention: for most it's that last bit of time before "real life" starts and that's pretty scary.

    BA3: might have to come back to this

    BA4: As you're well aware, it's not at all my thing.

    Congrats on your upcoming senior year. Enjoy it!

  • Anonym
    vor 4 Jahren
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