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will she like if i have acne ??

i had a clear face at the start of this year until this week i started to see some spots on cheeks and temple of face only on the right side of my face.

2 Antworten

  • Alonso
    Lv 7
    vor 4 Jahren

    One simple step that works to keep acne and acne scars away.

    Niacinamide (aka Niapads ®) face pads help keep acne away by scrubbing open clogged pores, oily residues and exfoliation. Feel a pimple coming? Just wet a pad, place it on the pimple and remove it when dry. Sit back and watch pimple disappear. Works on body acne too.

    These pads also help reduce skin hyperpigmentation (acne scars). Try it and see the difference.

  • vor 4 Jahren

    Well i'm going to be completely honest - first off It all depends how old you are. When I was in school, around 13-14 by friend (boy) had terrible ache, and a girl he liked who was in the same friend group was never sure to go out with him or not. One part of her liked him, but most of her obsessed over his appearance. Honestly, back then our friend wasn't good looking, he had a bad haircut, spots, a stutter, and droopy eyes, and he wasn't very mannered at lunch, he'd always eat with his mouth open. Girls will always be put off by ache but if you're 16+ you start to see past it, and the older you are the less you care, ESPECIALLY if the girl has had ache problems in the past. Having ache must really suck, but I guess you have to ask yourself if the girl is worth it really. I mean, if a girl won't go out with you just because you have spots (that will eventually go away as you get older), then she's very shallow and isn't worth your time.

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