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How much would it cost for just the phone?

I know this is strange but i want to get a new phone and all i want is just the phone and no service. So how much would it be? Also if i am only getting just the phone and no service do i have to have all of the cash up front for the phone or can i make payments on it until i pay it off?

4 Antworten

  • vor 4 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    The phone is likely going to be the same price and price reductions for things like a 2-year contract are not that common these days (once they were pretty much the standard). Most places that will sell you a phone without phone service are not going to have a payment plan.

    If you really want a phone and no cell service, I would recommend buying one on eBay or such that has a bad ESN. The bad ESN simply means that phone can not be used for phone service as it is blacklisted on the carriers (usually reported as lost or stolen). Since most people want phone service, these phones can be pretty cheap for like new (and even sometimes actually new) phones.

  • Anonym
    vor 4 Jahren

    for a smart phone 200 hundred dollars. for cell phone 75 to 80 or below it varies from store to store.

    some I PHONES SMALL ONES COST OVER 200 DOLLARS AS DO SMART PHONES. IF TRULY smart my thought is mail themselves to you free of charge not puuting up with being sold in store.

    Quelle(n): stores.observation.
  • vor 4 Jahren

    Depends on the phone.

  • vor 4 Jahren

    get a used android on ebay for less than $30. apple just flat out overcharges people for phones. that's why they're the richest company on earth. just get a cheap android. they rock.

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