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Lv 7
Steven fragte in News & EventsCurrent Events · vor 4 Jahren

Why aren't all the white men out apologising for the murder of MP Jo Cox ?

13 Antworten

  • vor 4 Jahren

    Because all white men didn't murder Jo Cox.

  • Anonym
    vor 4 Jahren

    Simple, because all white men aren't responsible for it.

    I know what you're doing, people say Muslims should apologise when one of their own commits a terror attack. You know, you would have more of a point if you said Nationalists/Right-Wingers should be apologising and denouncing Tommy Mair, but they already have. Many have said he deserves the death penalty.

  • Anonym
    vor 4 Jahren

    This is quite a silly question really, isn't it? Do you go around apologising for murders that YOU did not commit. The man who killed the M.P. has now been sentenced to a full life term so he son't be killing anyone else.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 4 Jahren

    Its a great irony that while he obviously supported us coming out of the EU,what he did at that sensitive time could very well have lost us the referendum altogether.? Why did he chose her when lots of women MPs supported staying ? Questions I would have loved to have known.

    It seemed he had extreme right wing contacts for many years yet never been in trouble before. Of course us respectable responsible members do feel grief and sorrow at what he did,and of course the danger was he could have done the same again. David GH UK

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  • Anonym
    vor 4 Jahren

    I see what you're getting at, Ceph.

    I'm sure tomorrow's Daily Express will have a front page demonising Mair as a terrorist murderer and demanding that all members of far-right groups are put under surveillance to prevent future far-right atrocities. They won't emphasise his 'loner' nature and his 'history of mental illness'. They'll be demanding an enquiry into who radicalised him.

  • Anonym
    vor 4 Jahren

    Why aren't all Romans and Jews out apologising for the murder of Jesus Christ ?

  • Anonym
    vor 4 Jahren

    I think you might have hit a nerve with ShadowDrone and Otto. They know something's a bit odd about your question, but it doesn't really seem to compute.

  • Jamey
    Lv 7
    vor 4 Jahren

    Because it was only one person that killed her and he should be apologising, which he obviously won't since he didn't speak throughout his trial.

  • vor 4 Jahren

    Define white men?

  • Anonym
    vor 4 Jahren

    I am really surprised you asked this. I thought you were more cunning than this.

    Who on here has asked all Muslims to apologise for Islamic atrocities? Do all "white" men follow or at least identify with an ideology that encourages hatred and violence towards globalist/leftist sellout scum?

    This is a rookie mistake, Ceph. Better luck next time.

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