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Does Walmart have consistent hours for it s employees?

Hi I have orientation tomorrow and wanted to know from anyone who has worked at Walmart if you re hours are always the same or if they change a lot. I need to know because I want to start college in a year. That way a can find a job that does if offer consistent hours if Walmart doesn t.

2 Antworten

  • vor 4 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    If you mean, will you have the same hours every day you work? No. Don't plan on it. You will have a "rotating" schedule.

  • They can change depending on their needs. Retail stores are usually busy on evenings and weekends so be prepared to work during those times. Retail rarely has a regular / constant schedule.

    If you're a student then inform them of that and when you're available for them. They should try to be flexible with your schedule.

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