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How can I get my question to the very top of the discover section?

So you know how every section has a discover and answer section for the questions how Can I make mine get to the top on the discover section so everyone can see my question is it luck or is there something that I can do?

4 Antworten

  • vor 4 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    The questions in Discover are "trending" questions in no particular order. The trending is based on answer in a short time after posting. So you need lots of answers and lots of follows right after you post. The exact formula is not known to users and the order appears to be random with newest at the time in some order.

  • Grinch
    Lv 7
    vor 4 Jahren

    'Discover' questions are questions which have been around for hours or days and have generated some interest among users, or may be older questions that didn't have much appeal.

    There's nothing you can do to get your question placed there, and certainly no way to get your question to the top of that list. The questions on that list are not in any kind of order, and most users ignore them because they want to answer the newer questions.

  • vor 4 Jahren

    Your question should be something else that a lot of people are curious about. The more clicks your question gets, the higher it ranks.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 4 Jahren

    luck of the draw

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