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Did u know that modern Holy Bibles have been corrupted & scripture is twisted causing contradictions and leaving out words like hell EXCEPT?

the King James Version? Even the New King James Version has some words left out - but it's better than all these modern ESV, NLT, NIV, and the worst is probably the Jehovah Witness one NWT.

15 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    yes, I knew that, that's why I use KJV

  • Brian
    Lv 5
    vor 5 Jahren

    Did u know that modern Holy Bibles have been corrupted & scripture is twisted causing contradictions and leaving out words like hell EXCEPT the King James Version?

    Well, what if I spoke Tagalog which the KJV is not translated in?

  • Gloria
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren

    The Bibles we have today even the King James Version was translated from the Roman Catholic Bible - the Vulgate. The Vulgate is the result of a revision of the Vetus Latina (Old Latin - a translation of the origianal Hebres and Aramaic Texts) In 382 after the Trinity was fully developed Pope Damasus 1 comissioned "saint" Jerome to revise the Vetus Latina to support the Trinity. The result of the new revised texts became known as the Latin Vulgate

    The Vulgate, the sole Bible in use for over 1000 years was the only text source from which all other Bibles got their translations.

    The modern English Bibles of today are the worst translations as they have corrupted and twisted scripture to further suppport the Trinity of God.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren

    Since none of the original books of the Bible were written in English, why should any one version be any more accurate than any other? Why should the KJV automatically be assumed to be the definitely correct version?

    When translating from an any language, many words will have multiple meaning, and the translators then have to choose which of those meanings is most appropriate. Is it not possible for later scholars to discover that previous translators may have made a wrong choice and then correct it? Who is to say that the first translators were right and the later ones are in error, considering that the later translators are working with more knowledge and information?

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  • vor 5 Jahren

    Actually, the word "Hell" is something we get from Germanic paganism, and its uses, to represent one Hebrew word and three separate Greek ones, are pretty weak approximations. (If you really care about understanding the basis of the KJV, I suggest Strong's Concordance.)

    Words left out? I don't know which correction you mean, but if it's the extra verse in I John 5:7, the only reason it appears in the KJV is that Erasmus, who had correctly identified it as an accidental interpolation, was forced to put it back in later editions by Roman Catholic authorities.

  • vor 5 Jahren

    The only part of The Bible that mankind has been unable to corrupt is in the scripture that makes up the clean and unclean food and hygiene laws found in the Book of Leviticus. This scripture has been based all this time on the germ theory of disease and the modern human body and other advanced fields of science unknown to mankind at that time and some fields of science still unknown to mankind today. That means mankind's lack of scientific knowledge has kept our eyes blind to seeing the advanced scientific knowledge hidden in this ancient Biblical scripture which kept us from intentionally corrupting it. What did happen was mankind giving this scripture the unscientific religious interpretations we still think they mean today due to our lack of scientific knowledge to properly interpret what is written in this ancient Biblical scripture. Sounds like the debate over Intelligent Design Theory is now far from over and in fact just beginning.

    Quelle(n): The God Yahweh our Intelligent Designer and the missing link in the chain of evolution.
  • Gary B
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren

    While languages change, the IDEAS present by those words have not and do not change..

    The IDEAS presented in ALL Bibles versions remain UNCORRUPTED, except for those in the New World Translation presented by the Jehovah's Witnesses, whose heretical purpose is to prove that Jesus is NOT the Son of God.

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    Um... heh heh. You need to take a good, solid course in religious history -- one that actually looks into the oldest texts of each cult book you study.

    The BuyBull, for example, is grossly mistranslated in all of today's versions that are published, printed and distributed. You know that, right?

    If you examine the actual translations of the oldest biblical texts that are still in possession of mankind, you will see VERY CLEARLY how today's BuyBulls are grossly, ridiculously mistranslated. And, by the way, not a single one of even the oldest, oldest biblical texts we have are extant. For example -- NONE of the oldest texts we have contain even one anti-gay comment or scripture. Not one. So where do the ones in today's BuyBulls come from? They were added later. And, poorly done -- because in actuality, none of those rewritten/later-added scriptures are even anti-gay, unless you take them out of context and manipulate the meaning (referring to the usuals that people spout off from Leviticus and Romans, etc)... For example, Lev 18:22 was never about homosexuality. It originally spoke of male temple prostitution. But later translations morphed that into a nice, convenient anti-gay-sounding scripture that christians could actually use -- against a population of people they hate. Voila!

    The oldest surviving complete text of the New Testament is the Codex Sinaiticus, which dates to the mid-4th Century AD. The oldest fragments, the Bodmer and Beatty Papyri and Papyrus 52, date back to the 2nd Century AD but only contain bits of what is alleged to be “the Gospel of John.” All of these texts are written in Greek.

    The mythical jesus-creature’s native tongue would have been Aramaic, and even if he knew Greek, he certainly did not speak it to his apostles – they were uneducated fishermen who barely had their one language mastered. Without any surviving Aramaic texts, if there was an actual jesus-creature, his actual words are lost forever, washed away in a sea of subjective translation by ancient scribes. And then, those translations are again re-translated by later scribes – and you are looking at a seriously flawed Cult Book with nothing but conjecture upon conjecture, guess upon guess. All based upon mythical creatures who have NEVER been proven to exist.

    Looking back at this history and the surviving tiny bits of text -- there are three hundred years between the composition of a text and our surviving copies. In a world without a printing press, texts would often undergo drastic evolution through centuries of handwritten duplication.

    So, if you are looking for contextual integrity from the NT (or even the OT for that matter), you are wasting your time. I suggest you take a very objective, well-reputed course in Religious History and you'll soon learn what I am talking about.

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    Only horrible hateful persons and churches would teach hell fire.

    Its a gimmick to ensure fear and make people cough up $$$$$$$$ to keep their loved ones souls out of those nasty mythical pagan places.

    Worst they happily pay for the lies!!!!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 5 Jahren

    No exceptions. All bibles are corrupted & scriptures are twisted causing contradictions.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    vor 5 Jahren

    I don't have a lot of use for 16th century English and am happy with my New American Bible and my Revised Standard Version CEII.

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