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Killing flies on a laptop screen?


Is there an effective poison, no matter if harmful to humans or not?

2 Antworten

  • vor 5 Jahren

    no matter if it's harmful to humans? you could burn down your house, that would sure get rid of them? or a small explosive device. lol

    but, if their small flies, you need to eradicate them from the room first and stop them getting inside in the first place.

    work out what kind of flys they are, if you have potted plants they could be small black flies or Gnats, or even fruit fly.

    you can buy fly sprays that will kill them pretty much instantly, or insecticidal sprays (which will be bad for your health).

    or use something with citronella or buy Citronella essential oil, mix it in some alcohol (isopropyl alcohol or neat vodka) in a small spray bottle, spray it around the place and it will act like a repellent.

    sticky fly paper might also work, but if there are a lot of flies it probably wont be very effective as they will be attracted strait to the bright light of your screen.

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    Why are flies on your screen? Is it that dirty?

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