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Atheists: My heart is grieved that you continue to reject the Lord Jesus Christ; you will see the great and terrible Day of the Lord?

come to pass in your lifetime. This is it. Don't tell me that nonsense about people have been saying this for years (I've heard it); This time, it's legitimate. The signs are everywhere; Christians are trying to warn you to repent and seek the Lord....please. I'm sure you all have families that you love and only want the best for them - that goodness that comes from you is from God who created you. Stop the rejection. Seek Him. This could possibly be your last warning call. God wants you to be saved.

Don't you see all the destruction happening all around the world? All the killings and satanic worship? All the lies from the government? The unity of religions by false prophet pope Francis? Don't you see it? Are you awake to the New World Order plan? Are you awake to the racist agenda the media is plotting? The false flags? There's no escape. They want us dead or slaves. The only escape is through Jesus Christ. Are you willing to give Jesus a chance today?

23 Antworten

  • Amy
    Lv 4
    vor 5 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    And yet that is exactly what's been said before, that this time, it's legitimate. Please stop concerning yourself with people who do not have the same beliefs as you and focus on yourself. They do not affect you, stop worrying about whether or not they are saved.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren

    Atheists: My heart is grieved that you continue to reject the Lord Jesus Christ;


    you will see the great and terrible Day of the Lord?


    Don't tell me that nonsense about people have been saying this for years (I've heard it);

    - 2000 years and counting.

    This time, it's legitimate.

    - Every decade for 2000 years.

    The signs are everywhere;

    - War, famine and earthquakes, since the beginning of time and this time it is real. Brilliant.

    Christians are trying to warn you to repent and seek the Lord.


    God wants you to be saved.


    Don't you see all the destruction happening all around the world?

    - Right, the most peaceful time in all of human existence.

    All the lies from the government?

    - Please show me a government OR religion that has not incessantly lied.

    Don't you see it?

    - No, I do not see your hallucinations.

    Are you awake to the New World Order plan?

    - That started with the Sumerians and has been on going for 10,000 years.

  • Caesar
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren

    Maybe some Greek say ...For Poseidon sake worship the true gods or he will release the difference there because Greek use the word atheist first to call unbelivers and that was 5 centuries before any Christian exist...and you know where those Greeks gods are dont you? In the Myth section were all gods who lose their believers end... or you think Clash of Titans was a documentary?

    "They want us dead or slaves."..worship the Abrahamic deity sound like dead or slave if you ask people who read your book with out bias...but all the Abrahamic religion are just another version of a death cult...

  • vor 5 Jahren

    Now, why would the Lord bother with a terrible Day? Don't you think he has better things to do than that? Be sensible.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren

    My heart is grieved you Christians continue to reject the Triple goddess of Wicca

  • ?
    Lv 5
    vor 5 Jahren

    It's not so much that I reject your lord and master, it's just I'm not really the type to worship things and sons of things that do not exist. Keep believing what you believe I do not wish to convert you.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren

    There's no sign of anything lke that happening anytime soon, so pour yourself a glass of wine to wash down the meds and close your eyes and relax.

  • vor 5 Jahren

    Ben there done that and came to my senses of just how foolish it all is. Why don't you simply concern yourself with "saving" yourself or those who are interested. If asked of the way I think I would tell you. I don't try to recruit you to my ideologies by stuffing them down your throat or threaten you with suffering.

  • vor 5 Jahren

    -That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.- Christopher Hitchens

    -I contend we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.- Stephen Roberts

    -Since it is obviously inconceivable that all religions can be right, the most reasonable conclusion is that they are all wrong.- Christopher Hitchens

  • vor 5 Jahren

    My heart is grieved that you guys reject Baphomet

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