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Lv 7
Grinch fragte in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · vor 5 Jahren

If you've successfully appealed a reported question within the past week, will you please explain (see Details)?

►Did you appeal using the form included with the Report Notice email? Or the alternate appeal form? Or both?

►Were you notified that your appeal was successful and that your question had been restored? If so, did you find out by checking Notifications (top left), did you receive an notification email, or both?

►Roughly how long was it between when you appealed and when your question was restored?

►Were any of the answers present at the time your question was reported/deleted missing from the question when it was restored?

Just trying to figure a few things out. Thanks.

11 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    ►Did you appeal using the form included with the Report Notice email? Or the alternate appeal form? Or both?

    >> Only ever use the appeal form on the Help pages.

    ►Were you notified that your appeal was successful and that your question had been restored? If so, did you find out by checking Notifications (top left), did you receive an notification email, or both?

    >>> Question was restored without any notice sent.

    >>> Found out by seeing the question on my question list.

    ►Roughly how long was it between when you appealed and when your question was restored?

    >>> As near as i can figure it was about 2 hours more or less.

    ►Were any of the answers present at the time your question was reported/deleted missing from the question when it was restored?

    >>>That was strange, the question had 8 or 9 interesting informative answers when reported but when restored only 1 was still there and yours was one of them that disappeared.

    A day later an email was sent with the same incident # saying i had lost the appeal on that restored question. The question is still posted and was NOT a violation.

    Something is very much amiss with Customer Care and the appeal system lately with so many appeals being won on questions and answers that should be upheld as the violations they are.

    The sorry state this category is in now is because of Customer Care allowing all appeals to be won and the

    disgraceful, shameful behavior by the regulars frequenting it now who ignore the most basic guidelines and are proud of that.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren

    Appealed a deleted answer, used the appel link in notice, took about 5 minutes to get it restored ( some times a day or more but usually in minutes lately), no notice but I checked question when my points went back up and answer was restored

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    1. I usually use the appeal form provided in the email notification. But I have used the help form before also.

    2. No I did not receive a notification or email, I win all my appeals, I check My Question list to see if it was stored.

    3. It could be a few minutes to 36 hours later. Most within minutes but a few has taken longer.

    4. Yes there was answers, but I can't remember if any was removed.

    Update: Maybe next time address why everyone is getting thumb down for given you information. They think it affects the outcome of your decision. Also this question was moved to P&S by the same person given all the thumbs down.

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    i recently appealed abt 3 violations of my answers -- last one abt 1 wk ago.

    i cant tell if the appeals were successful or not :

    no email notification like i used to get.

    for my last appeal, i went thru both the email link and via

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 4 Jahren

    I just won an appeal yesterday for a p/s answer I posted. I used the email link (no alternate form) and yes I received notification that my appeal has been approved. It took a week.

    I'm not sure if other answers were restored. Because all the answers were reported and then the question also. I do not see the question reinstated. Perhaps the asker did not appeal.

    However my answer was not a non answer. It was very short but the question was also very easy

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    I have had about thirty-five posts deleted over the last month. It doesn't seem to matter what their content is, (Arguing with trolls) they all get reinstated. I have lost my rag and sworn at them, mentioned names, anything gets put back and without being informed. I think a robot is doing it without any human intervention.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren

    I appealed one late yesterday(Australian tie) and it was returned but I wasn't notified,I just checked when I read your Q.It could have been restored anytime overnight our time as I do not be online after midday,though I did get that email notice on my phone & appealed from there,first time ever!

  • vor 5 Jahren

    I tried but keep getting the message that the question didn't come from this account.Will try again today.

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    i appealed some of the 13 i got in a row- after being reported on your question

    one said it didn't come from my account - what fruits are red? - not a vio

    i haven't bothered to check - if they were restored or not

    except on your question - seems they decided it was a spat and restored all answers

    i did just get a mail from the team though on another issue

    just used the normal form to appeal some pathetic tech vios

  • vor 5 Jahren


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