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Lv 7
Jeff fragte in PetsHorses · vor 5 Jahren

Will Frosty crush a draft horse? After she kills it can she eat it?

6 Antworten

  • vor 5 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    You don't know me, or even how much I weigh! What do you want with me? I am not apologizing for saying that sick animals need vet care.

  • vor 5 Jahren

    Well Jeff, I was always under the impression that Frosty the Snowman was a male snowman. And indeed if he did come alive like in the children's cartoon I suppose he could perhaps magically bounce onto the back of a horse and squash him (that is if Frosty was a very heavy snow man, was the snow high moisture that year?)

    Oh wait...did they have a sequel when Frosty had a girlfriend Snow-Girl? I cannot remember.

    But really Jeff I don't think snow creatures can eat anything....bumbles on the other hand. Well, we all KNOW bumbles BOUNCE (and try to eat reindeer). So yes, perhaps a female Bumble might try to eat a horse, and being as Bumbles are like 20 feet tall I imagine that they can squash a horse, even a draft horse!

    I guess I'll have to keep an eye out for roaming Bumbles next time I go trail riding! I wouldn't want my poor horse to be locked in a cave waiting for Roudolph to come save him! And I do not, alas, sadly, have a magical sleigh that flies or any elf minions to do my bidding, or reindeer friends that speak English to help me rescue him if that did happen. Sad face.

    LOL Jeff, I understand your frustration, and I hope you have taken my answer as seriously as it was intended!

    I don't know what you were replying to (mocking) as I just logged on, but I have seen my fair share of trolling here on Yahoo Answers to understand your frustration.

    I have seen many of your answers here in the horse section and you give solid honest advise. Maybe it isn't always what someone wants to hear....but really if someone is only asking a question only looking for a specific answer, well then they should not have bothered asking at all. This is a public forum after all. One can get answers from many parts of the WORLD! And that is why I enjoy it. It is also why I am careful about what questions I ask.

    Be well Jeff. I totally understand the feeling :-)

  • vor 5 Jahren

    Lets see, this answerer is really more for Anna, Calypso (named after a pirate ship in a fairy tale?), and Frozen (more fairy tales).

    I can not help noticing a few things:

    Frozen has been a member since July 28, 2014

    he/she has 19 points (not much activity for 20 months)

    9% best answers, (from what?)

    1607 answers, (that's a lot of answers for someone with 19 points)

    1159 Questions (realy? 1159?)

    Nancy Drew, member since 10/22/13 (29 months)

    1041 points (not much in that many months)

    7% Best answers (hmmmm)

    376 Answers

    44 Questions, (that is where 440 of your points went)

    Calypso, member since November 2008 (89 months, I am impressed)

    22,572 Points (you go girl!)

    24% Best Answers (you are selecting for a particular area of expertise to improve your average)

    I have noticed that your answers tend to be detailed and indicate a working knowledge of horses. I think you are also posting under other topics but have not checked what. I would have to search because you have you profile set up as "private")

    4311 Answers (You have been at this for quite a while)

    110 Questions (over that many months is not many)

    Anna, I hear your name a good bit. Are you Frozen and Nancy Drew as well? Darned interesting combination. You do know that multiple personalities is a mental disorder don't you?

    Jeff, Member for over 120 months. (tenacious)

    41,306 points


    Answers with a 12% average (darned impressive)

    44 Questions (ya gotta get a little entertainment!)

    UPSHOT: I'd take Jeff's advice about horses any time though I might have to drag the details out of him!

    I would consult Calypso if I were riding flat saddle and or over fences (that is NOT gonna happen)

    AND, I agree with Jeff, teen age trolls are a pain in the ****!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 5 Jahren

    Isnt there something more useful to do than post questions like a fourth grader?

    : (

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  • Pamela
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren

    What are you babbling about.

  • Jeff
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren

    Anna... really. find every post and call me a "jerk"... diddle yourself

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