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Lv 7
Steven fragte in News & EventsCurrent Events · vor 5 Jahren

Now scientists are against BREXIT, why should we trust evidence led scientists over scare mongering BREXITS ?

Update 2:

Now now, you naughty UKIPPERS, try and be democratic for once.

Update 3: "53. The UK is considered an influential member within the EU, and there is strong consensus that the UK plays an important role in shaping EU agendas. As an EU member the UK’s voice is amplified globally83 and the UK maintains a seat at the international leaders’ table84, so a STRONG CONSENSUS amounst Biologists.


4 Antworten

  • vor 5 Jahren

    'scientists' ? This is a tricky question putting mildly. The question is designed to make Farage look stupid because he is 'not a scientist' You do this by quoting 'some scientists'

    You say 'Now scientists' as if the whole of the science community is anti Brexit.

    You are wrong Sir. My family are mostly scientists or lawyers they meet fellow scientists and lawyers,my impression is that over 50% of real scientists and about 60% of the lawyers are pro Brexit. But even this is too small a sample

    to allow me to say 'scientists and lawyers are anti Brexit'

    I would not try a childish trick by starting a question with 'Now scientists and Lawyers are anti Brexit' without an extensive opinion poll.

    Nigel Farage is in fact a very intelligent and knowledgeable politician, do not kid yourself, even worse do not try to fool YA readers with a 'question' constructed in such a way.

    Brian May ( scientist see link ) shows support and respect for Nigel Farage and his attempt to persuade the establishment to be more democratic and stop the insults Farage is a meticulous democrat , he is insulted daily because he wants to control the British borders and stop subsidising EU failure.

  • vor 5 Jahren

    The whole in out argument has reached farce proportions and the campaign is less than a month in. I would imagine scientists are just as confused as the rest of us but will make their choice on some sort of reasoned thinking. This thinking will probably view Farage and Boris as a bit of a distraction rather than a constructive influence in the debate.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    vor 5 Jahren

    isn't this just an 'appeal to authority' logical fallacy?

    scientists have vested interests just like others. funding, etc ( the same reason any reputable scientist who knows what side his bread is buttered stays the hell away from politically incorrect research, like one of our favourite topics i could mention )

    my vested interest is that my country's borders ain't opened to the world like a whore's legs and that the likes of merkel can't inflict thousands of unwanted rapist arab/african refugees on my nation either.

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    When scientists get involved in politics, the results are never good.

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