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Was Noah the only one with a boat?

There is much debate between biblical scholars and rational people about the millions of animals on Noah's Ark and the ability of kangaroos to hop across from Australia to make it in time before the flood, but nobody eve mentions the fact that other people besides Noah knew how to build a boat.

When the flood started, I would rather be in a fishing boat somewhere surrounded by fresh fish than in an overcrowded ark.

19 Antworten

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    vor 5 Jahren
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    this is why I visit this site!

    just hilarious!!

  • vor 5 Jahren

    "Much debate between biblical scholars and rational people." These phrases and juxtapositions designed to agitate the emotions and push buttons is so tiring. And it gives away the game right out of the gate. You do not believe there was a flood. We get it. You reject the Biblical account in its entirety. We get that too. You think anybody who believes in the Bible is stupid. All well and good. Moving on. . .

    Nobody said other people could not build a boat. But WHY WOULD THEY? They did not believe Noah's preaching about the flood! If you don't believe it's going to rain, you probably aren't gonna carry an umbrella, right? They ridiculed Noah. Much like you do. And that's fine because you have that right.

    Noah was the only one with the Ark, yes. A fishing boat? Why would you have a fishing boat? You are ridiculing any possibility of a flood. Aren't you? A fishing boat would have capsized. The Ark was not a boat, it was a chest - designed merely to float and keep out the water. Which it did.

    Sigh. There were not millions of animals on the Ark. Nor was it necessary.

    Hannah J Paul

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    vor 4 Jahren


    Quelle(n): Boat Projects
  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren

    Was Noah the only one with a boat?

    Well a few had the odd boat , the sea people for instance (Phoenicians AKA Philistines)

    The Egyptians of course who had been shipping blocks for building pyramids for two hundred and fifty years before Noah's flood , continued to do so through the flood and right on down to 600 BC.

    The flood is undoubtedly Babylonian in origin , not Hebrew, they just borrowed the story and stuck it into their own mythology, most of the Bible follows that mold., mostly borrowed.

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  • User
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren

    Presumably Noah was the only person with a construct prepared that would allow him to survive a 40-day deluge and (consequential) year-long flood.

    I would expect any typical **very ancient** fishing boat would founder in less than a day in the conditions described in the Bible. The people on the boat simply would not be able to keep bailing for 40 days straight!

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    There are hundreds of legends how a god chooses a man to build a boat with animals.

    Who really knows maybe god knew a flood was coming and told lots of men all over the world and we credit Noah but not the other men

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    No one else could build a boat besides a tiny fishing boat wouldn't survive a flood like Noah's. The ark was designed to survive such a flood.

  • vor 5 Jahren

    "There's a reason that in a time when boats existed, Noah was the only one who survived the flood. It's because no one makes it to the end of a story by outsmarting the narrator."

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren

    Lots of boats, only one with provisions for a year.

    Under conservative assumptions, there were no more than 16,000 land animals and birds on the ark; possibly as few as 2,000 were needed on the ark.

    God would likely have sent to Noah young (and therefore small, but not newborn) representatives of these kinds so that they would have a full reproductive potential for life after the Flood to repopulate the earth (Genesis 7:1–3). Even the largest dinosaurs were relatively small when only a few years old.

    Without tiering of cages, only 47 percent of the ark floor would have been necessary. What’s more, many could have been housed in groups, which would have further reduced the required space.

    The dimensions of the Ark are convincing for two reasons: the proportions are like that of a modern cargo ship, and it is about as large as a wooden ship can be built. The dimensions are less than half the Titanic or Queen Mary.

    There were large wooden ships of similar length built with the same level of technology in ancient times in far less time: The Greek Tessarakonteres 200 BC 420' x 52'.

    The Bible does not tell us that Noah and his sons built the Ark by themselves. Noah could have hired skilled laborers or had relatives, such as Methuselah and Lamech, help build the vessel. However, nothing indicates that they could not—or that they did not—build the Ark themselves in the time allotted.

    If one or two men today can erect a large house in just 12 weeks, how much more could three or four men do in a few years? Adam’s descendants were making complex musical instruments, forging metal, and building cities—their tools, machines, and techniques were not primitive. The idea that more primitive civilizations are further back in time is an evolutionary concept.

    Low evolutionary estimates - man has been around 500,000 years - but the first civilization only appeared within the last 10,000 years... Doesn't add up.

    Think about it, 490,000 years of silence - nothing, nada. Then in one generation not one but at least two and arguably three advanced civilizations complete with language, writing, irrigation, monuments, domestication of beasts of burden, a monetary system, a system civil and criminal law.. Poof like magic just suddenly there.

    Historians and archaeologists readily recognize the "Cultural Explosion" that occurred in Mesopotamia some 5000 years ago.

    If we count the generations back to Noah, it would be about 150. The Flood was roughly 4,500 years ago. Average generation span of 30 years. Divide 30 into 450, and you get 150 generations. Sure, it's a rough estimate, coincidence that it's so accurate (like most of the Bible)?

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  • G C
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren

    He built it over a hundred years and warned others. But, even if he wasn't, the world was deluged for over a year and who would have the supplies to last that long but those in the Ark? Remember, too, that the flood did not just start with rain, water came up out of the ground and flooded as well.

  • Who
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren

    read the bible

    according to that the point of the flood was to kill everybody on earth except noah and family

    it dont say a thing about saving other people with boats- so what YOU (or anybody else) would rather do is irrelevent, you (and them) would still die

    or do you think the bible was lying?

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