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If I can't find God, it's because I haven't looked hard enough?

Or does he just not want to be found?

30 Antworten

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    If I "CAN NOT" find God is it Because I haven't "LOOKED" Hard enough ? The question is an example of People Rationalizing allow me to explain. Different people are Convinced of things by different TYPES or standards of Evidence

    . there are Low standards and High ones the lowest is called Ideas opinions and testimonials ( because someone claimed it ) there is physical evidence ( objects things the actual god is presented ) and Demonstrable ( things that are shown to be consistent repeatable verified Facts )

    There are things that are shown to be based on what is already established as true to boost or support something claimed . The important question is WHY have you or others accepted something as a Truth what DEGREE of evidence do you require to be CONVINCED to accept it as true

    ..The lowest standard is because someone else said so ...

    .Take a TV ad to demonstrate the Bandwagon Fallacy ( the number of people believing something makes it a truth ) So The ad say Buy this face cream it reduces wrinkles by 90 % Over 1 Million Bottles sold

    ......Some People might be Convinced the product MUST work a Million other people bought it .......What the ad is REALLY telling you is 1 million people were CONVINCED to buy or Try the product It does not tell you If the product ACTUALLY worked or lived up to the claims it does not VERIFY the claims are TRUE

    . so What the question says that your standard is more than say so but your standard is physical and demonstrated and Facts based Evidence more than someone else Claiming it or written in a book

    LOL The THEIST TEST 3 questions As in

    # 1 If someone else had not told you about gods ( oral or written) would you be asking this question ? So its a idea presented by humans

    # 2 If no one else had told you about god or gods Would you have independently DISCOVERED the god or gods On your OWN ? as in Facts are presented to support the claim

    # 3 Is the god one is referencing SELF EVIDENT as in physical Evaluation is it independent of human projection and maintaining the idea not dependent on anything else

    Thanks for the question

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren

    May be you are looking too hard. Faithfulness is believing that God is Who He says He is and continuing in that belief despite the vagaries of life. Functionally, that means we trust what God says in the Bible, and not necessarily what the world or our own eyes tell us. We trust He will work out everything for good. We trust He will work His will in us. And we trust that our situation on earth is nothing compared to our future reward in heaven. The only way we can have such faith is by the Holy Spirit's influence. He testifies to the truth and impels us to seek God. The Spirit makes us faithful. You don't have to get on your knees and pray to a God that you don't believe in, just talk to him, he will tell you when to get on your knees.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 5 Jahren

    The Bible at Isaiah 55:6 encourages us to search for God while he may still be found. Call to him while he proves to be near.

    Yes, you have to put forth the effort. If it's motivated by an sincere heart, you can find God.

  • vor 5 Jahren

    Look for your first glimpse of God in the hard times in your life. Look for him in a crisis. Go back and look at memories you never wanted to face. Some people who have not yet found God wail for God in their darkest, most harrowing moments. God comes then. Don't look with your eyes yet. Don't yet try to love or be kind in hope that this is God. Look for God with the pained desire and need of your heart. God doesn't turn a deaf ear to pain. There, you can see him for the first time.

    God is not just for succor and comfort. It's like an opening flower. First you go deep into the pith, and then all the soft petals open one by one. Later, other things like small joys and stunning yet quiet realizations tend to come. No one can tell you about God. You have to explore to find him yourself. The best place to look first is in the darkest, most frightening places in your life. Have courage, yearn for insight inside your own life, and a veil will be removed.

    The God I know does not require faith.

    There are many stories in the world about God. The best thing is to find one that resonates with you. Sufi poetry is a great place to start if you are weary of books like the Bible. The works of Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell are great, too.

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  • vor 5 Jahren

    On places like this...all you will find are opinions from people who dont study the bible, havent found God themselves, and at best just follow the masses and repeat what they have been taught since birth. Here is the deal, looking is the first step, but knowing WHERE to look is the key.This time you need to do a sincere, heart felt prayer to God. And tell him you want a meaningful relationship with him and you need to find the right path. I promise you, as the bible says, He will let u find him. In the meantime, would you please just take a few secs to look over

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    Romans 10:9

    Acts 3:19.

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    "If I can't find God, it's because I haven't looked hard enough?"

    Where does the magic god fairy hide? In some other galaxy?

    The whole thing is bullsh!t. Only cowards believe this idiotic god nonsense.

  • vor 5 Jahren

    1 Chronicles 28:9 says, "...If you search for him, he will let himself be found by you." Don't give up your search. Keep looking. Apply Luke 11:9, "keep asking and it will be given you; keep seeking, and you will find..." One sure way to find and draw close to God is by studying, reading, and meditating on God's word the Bible.

  • vor 5 Jahren


    Peter Co- authored the Gospels of Mark(except 16:9-20) and Matthew; teaching only the words of Eternal Life as Jesus taught.

  • aeiou2
    Lv 6
    vor 5 Jahren

    Finding God... is a spiritual experience - a perception of reality... like dreaming during the day.

    It is like tuning your waves into the perception of something greater. You have to believe that the higher waves are there and you have to nourish your intent of becoming one with the waves.

    You are aware of the existence of the ego and everything within it, but you have a hard time understanding and accepting what lays beyond, because it would completely destroy the structures of the world as you see it... It is all about breaking through the ego... There are many ways to do that.

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