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Who besides me believes that the pretzel-twisted "polls" of "likely Republican voters" are fake?

The ones claiming that "Rubio" would beat Hillary are just not believable! The GOP party is trying to rig the primaries the way they did the last Presidential election.

9 Antworten

  • vor 5 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    polls are worthless.

    In 2008 , Fox Spews was citing their "exit polls" that showed McCain was the clear WINNER.....................

    two solid hours after the man himself conceded.

    I can rig any poll to get the exact results I want, by shaping the questions to give me the desired response.

    Who would rather see as president of the ISIS terrorist, or my cat. ?

    oh wow!!!!!!! 99% of people polled said they want to see my Cat as president!!!!!!!!!

    That's what polls are Worth.

  • vor 5 Jahren

    The reason I asked the question is that no one peeks behind the scenes to see who is funding the polls, which the media should be doing, and the GOP too often resorts to cheating in order to shape the outcome the party leaders want without offending the crazies that appear to be their base.

    My suspicion is that no one among the party leaders or strategists likes the narcissistic sociopathic misogynistic Islamaphobic homophobic braggart-bully Trump nor do they like nut-job Canadian-born Cruz, but the so-called "polls" of "likely Republican voters" that the media keeps highlighting could easily be influenced by behind-the-scenes ad buys from whomever is peddling the "dopes" who appear to be ahead.

    I'm not going to vote for my own answer here---I just wanted to add some text to my question.

    CNN and MSNBC have claimed the "latest poll" from a source I've never heard of shows both Trump and Cruz losing to a very experienced and highly qualified Hillary Clinton---this is probably true, although the "rig" could be that the GOP is trying to bully their base into believing neither Trump nor Cruz should be the nominee---they want Mark Rubio, the inexperienced guy who has missed more than half of his votes and who cannot manage his finances, and my guess would be that the GOP leaders think a Hispanic name might appeal to the voters that Trump has alienated. So they rig a poll that sells the lie Rubio would "beat Hillary." FAKE to the max! Whichever PAC is funding this "poll" is trying to boost the unqualified Rubio to a primary win through propaganda...that is what I think.

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    It's possible but I don't know what to think about the reliability of polls. Period.

    That said, people across this nation are all individuals and have their own minds. They've surprised me before and it wasn't the first time.

    People all day have been disputing the BOTH directions.


  • vor 5 Jahren

    Trump is the most popular voice in the GOP at this moment so I doubt Rubio is grabbing attention. Same with Sanders for the Democrats.

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  • vor 5 Jahren

    I believe that's extremely possible. They have to get every edge they can. Its quite devastating over there and in disarray like I've never seen before.They will try anything they can. It wont be right I will tell you that.

  • vor 5 Jahren

    Why would Hillary come up in a GOP primary poll? Do you mean Trump or Cruz?

  • John
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren

    Rigging is a gop requirement since most voters avoid the gop.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 5 Jahren

    At least Rubio can be president unlike Cruz.

  • IChee
    Lv 4
    vor 5 Jahren

    a poll is a poll, no point in 'rigging' them

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