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Jimmy C fragte in News & EventsCurrent Events · vor 6 Jahren

Are the Syrian migrants in Europe just draft dodgers?

It is quite clear from the footage of Syrian and other migrants moving to Europe that most are young men, usually well dressed, carrying mobile phones and other accoutrements.

With the civil war in Syria, there is compulsory army conscription, and those who try to avoid army service are being arrested.

So does avoiding conscription make these men refugees, or draft dodgers?

During the Vietnam war, the US had the same problem, with many men fleeing to Canada as conscientious objectors. Is that a reason for other countries to grant asylum?

My opinion is that young men are fit and able to take care of themselves. The real victims are the millions of women, children and old people who are unable to flee, stuck in the desert with no food or shelter, still in danger of being killed. Why aren't the young migrant men staying to help them?

13 Antworten

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 6 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Moslim cowards?

    How dare you cast aspersions ?

    Fine upstanding young murderers,every one,I'm sure.

  • Anonym
    vor 6 Jahren

    What "draft" are you talking abut exactly?

    Does a mind as small as yours even know the years of training and efforts it takes to even make it through a draft?

    It's quite clear you are an imbecile interpreting what you want to see. A young man with a family, to you, should be charging to the front line like a common terrorist.

    Your education may not have included the histories of what "civil war" and "refugee" actually means. But suffice to say it's always best for the general public to get out of such war regions.

    The Jews fleeing from the Nazi's were "draft dodgers" too in your eyes and it's why you cannot be taken seriously.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 6 Jahren

    Some maybe but not many lets face it whats for em to to fight for, cr@p, but for every one of these fit young men that Europe accepts there're be a family wanting and waiting to follow.

    As most of these people are not going to want to back to shattered Syria where death squads roam, because revenge will be in the air when its all over, so no way.

    These refugees are going to want to stay in the promised land of milk an honey and the notion (or should I say lie) of em wanting to go back is pure nonsense, these refugees are here to stay, making em a ticking time bomb, as their numbers in just a few short years will double if not treble or more.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 6 Jahren

    Are you sure these men were conscripted into the Syrian Army? Perhaps they are protecting their families and thats why they are leaving. Perhaps they are avoiding the two wars in syria, one against ISIL, the other against al Quaeda and jihadis.

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  • Anonym
    vor 6 Jahren

    Kind of, the difference is, when it happened in America they were fighting for a democratically elected government and not some tosspot who elected himself supreme leader.

    Also, the reason 'generally' why there are so many young men is that their family and friends have clubbed together money to send them to Europe in the hope that they will get a decent job and send back some remittance.

  • Pancho
    Lv 7
    vor 6 Jahren

    This is being done deliberately ... yes, these are young men of fighting age, and the flood of immigrants is just the first chapter ... you'll see more incidents of rape and gang-rape, and as i say, it's part of a decades-long plan, which most are completely oblivious of ... stay tuned ...

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 6 Jahren

    I have served my country in the army..and if it was being bombed and destroyed I would pick up sticks and stones to fight for my mother land

  • Anonym
    vor 6 Jahren

    its a failed state after years of the west making it near impossible for Assad to maintain any control or stop the the rise of Saudi funded ISIS.

  • Anonym
    vor 6 Jahren

    While fit young men are heading to Europe, we are sending our fit young men to Somalia!

  • vor 6 Jahren

    all cowards every last single one of them. i saw tv interview the other day, young man 23 saying he loved his country n would doing anything to save it,, he was a syrian in heading to Germany,, so much for living his country, obviously he must mean germany not syria since he'd run away n left it

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