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Do you think Heaven and Hell exist?
10 Antworten
- vor 6 Jahren
I think the hell we think of today is made up by people who want to scare others into following them. The same thing goes for heaven. I believe both are real tho, but in a different sense. Its all in our heads. Hell is the place in our minds when we're at our lowest point. We suffer from depression, anxiety and those kinds of things. Its also a good place to be in because when you break out of it you come out stronger and wiser. When we're in heaven we experience joy, love and all that good stuff. Also, when you take psychedelics you can get these feelings on a way more intens scale. You can literally feel like you're stuck in hell or being free in heaven.
- Anonymvor 6 Jahren
All the major faiths refer to us as already being fallen/forgotten/blind/dead/asleep, or what the Hindu's refer to as being in a state of Avidya/Ignorance. (The shackles of which can only be released by the grace of God)
The eye of literal sight and logical brain may ratiocinate heaven to be a place where we all live happily ever after. (Somewhere above the clouds perhaps) A sin free place of happiness and eternal love, yet the major faiths refer to this as a realm of being - An awaking, a realization of a perhaps forgotten existence/vision. (Spirituality)
In Hinduism - Sat Chit Ananda – is Truth Consciousness Bliss (Moksha - Liberation)
Christianity – Heaven (One with Christ)
In the Zohar, the greatest kabbalistic work, the Torah is interpreted in reference to the Sefirot - They are Keter (Crown) proximity to the divine super-conscious of the soul.
1 Beyond etc. -beyond the relative world which is a mixture of existence and non-existence. The world is said to be existent as it is perceived in ordinary consciousness, but to be non-existent as it is lost in super-consciousness. Knowing the nature of the world, the man of Knowledge is quite unconcerned with it. ASTAVAKRA SAMHITA – Chapter XVIII – P138
There's plenty of hell on earth (In the world) – What the Bible refers to as being in the world and of it - To be much less spiritual - pleasure and pain ~ Karma ~ A continuum of untold suffering. The biggest mistake we make is thinking that what mostly happens in the world is the will of God. John 7:7 The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify of it that its works are evil. Epistle to Jude 1:4 (to this condemnation)
REGARDING "HELL AS A LITERAL PLACE" What do we think Hell really is? Old Testament (Hebrew) - Sheol is just the grave. New Testament (Greek) - Hades is just the grave. If you were taught that it is an eternal burning fire, stoked by Satan, please realize that the Bible says at Revelation 20:10, Revelation 20:13, 14, and Revelation 21:8 that Hades and Satan are both destroyed. No Satan+No Hades, means there is no eternal burning hellfire
- BrendonLv 5vor 6 Jahren
Heaven can be on one street, and Hell is usually right around the corner.
I grew up in Hell...
Still working on earning my way into the Gated Community.
- ?Lv 7vor 6 Jahren
In the spirit realms there are vibratory levels. There are really only 2 choices in life, to vibrate in love or in fear. All evil acts are based on fear. Depending on how you vibrate you will go to the area of that frequency. You can raise your frequency and move up the levels if you try and learn to love more and give up your fear. The lower levels are very dark and cold. The upper levels are awesomely colorful and beautiful. Many, most, come back here many times in between being in the spirit realms. What goes around comes around, and you reap what you sow. Killers come back to be killed.
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- RobertLv 7vor 6 Jahren
Hell doesn't exist. heaven-God's kingdom is a reality. God lives there. It is the most pleasant place to live and work with God.
- Anonymvor 6 Jahren
Heaven [Havona], YES. Hell no. There is either eternal life or extinction.
- Anonymvor 6 Jahren
Ha read this dude, the crazy Muslim thinks it is true, I suppose. He will be waitng for his 72 virgins as he. Goes though the gates of heaven,but he has to kill thousands before he can recieve them, is this not crazy ? Or what ?
- NO!Lv 6vor 6 Jahren
Yes. It is part of my belief in islam.
I believe that hell will be underneath the earth: in the mantle of the earth (it's a very hot place)